Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) -

Christmas Patent Wall Art and 18 Free Printables

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If you like patent wall art like we do, then you’ll love these 18 free Christmas-themed patent wall art printables! They are high resolution and make a great gift for friends, family (or yourself)!

As of yesterday, I am officially in my Christmas mood. We haven’t started decorating our home just yet, but we did start our annual Christmas Carols marathon yesterday [In other words, Handan pouted until I agreed to call up my Christmas Carols station on Pandora. -Greg] So until January 1st, we’ll be listening Christmas Carols every single evening [Every. Single. Evening. GAH! -Greg] for at least two hours if not more! Oh, even writing about it, I get all giddy inside, so I hope that single exclamation mark is sufficient to convey my excitement. But just in case it isn’t, here is the uncensored version of it: !!!!!!!!! LOL.

While I get filled with joy and start singing [That was singing?? -Greg] along with Christmas carols during this marathon, it seems like it has no interesting effects on Greg. That is of course, if you don’t count his constant need for earmuffs when around me. 😀 I know, right? Considering his perfect “selective hearing” skills, you’d think he should easily tune out. But apparently I have a very powerful voice when singing Christmas Carols, or so he tells me. Then again, knowing that he wears the same earmuffs when mowing the lawn, I am not sure whether I should take that as a compliment or not. hahaha 😀 Anyway… Enough of our antics – let’s move on to today’s free printables, shall we?

Christmas Patent Wall Art

Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |

3 years ago on Pinterest, I came across a patent wall art for the first time, and I’m not sure whether it is the engineer in me or not, but I loved it very much. So much that I instantly wanted to buy one for our home. But of course, the idea of “buying one for our home” immediately disappeared right after seeing the prices of these things! It is crazy! I mean seriously, it is crazy! A 24″ x 36″ patent wall art is selling for about $120, if not more (Fine Art America sells the 24″x36″ size for around $180.) You know me – there’s no way I would spend that kind of money on a paper print. Anyway…instead, I thought I could make my own patent art, get it printed and be done with it, spending at most $10-15. But due to other projects and changing priorities, I never had the chance to do so until this year.

Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |

Soon we’ll be giving a makeover to Barish’s room, so I thought he could hang some patent wall art in his room. He’s 14 now, so he doesn’t let me put the “cute Christmas decorations” all over his room like I used to. But last weekend I showed him this concept and asked him if he’d like me to make one about Christmas for his room. He said he’d be ok with that, so I went and made six of them, hahaha 😀 I know, right? I am a mother, I can’t help it – I tend to over-do the things our kid likes. But aren’t you lucky, because now I get to share the 6 prints with you! 😉

I prepared them in 2 different sizes for you. One is 16″x20″ and the other is poster size – 24″x36″. I prepared them high resolution for these sizes, so you’ll be having really great quality wall art. They can also be scaled down easily if you want to print them on smaller-sized paper.

Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |

And even better: I prepared them on 3 different backgrounds, so you actually get 18 free printables to choose from and in 2 different sizes!

Let’s slowly scroll through and see the close-ups of all the goodies that you’ll be finding at the VIP Patch, shall we?

Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!

Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |
Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |
Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |
Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |
Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |

So what do you think? I hope you liked them. Seeing that these prints are really expensive to buy, we made more of these patent prints to share with you. So if you also like patent wall art like we do, check out our other patent art printable series 😉

How To Download The Free Printable Christmas Patent Wall Art

If you’re a Navage Patch subscriber click on the button below to be taken to the VIP Patch. You’ll find all these free printables and more patent wall art under the “Patent Art” tab of the VIP Patch.

take me to your

amazing freebies library

If you’re not a Navage Patch VIP, you won’t be able to access our Freebies Library. But that can be easily fixed! Subscribe for free on the form below and become a Navage Patch VIP. Once you subscribe, a password will be sent to you in our Welcome email, and that will give you access to The VIP Patch [Freebies Library].

If you like this kind of large wall art, then you should also check out our other popular ones: Oversize Book Page Wall Art. Greg prepared 30+ oversize book page wall art printables which have well-known quotations and poems from famous authors and poets and historical figures: C.S Lewis, Mark Twain, Rumi, J.R. R. Tolkein, Edgar Allen Poe, etc. Click here (or on the picture below) to see them all!

Oversize Book Page Wall Art (18 Free Printables) -

Share it on Pinterest & Facebook!

Christmas Patent Wall Art (and 18 free printables) | #FreePrintable #Christmas #Patent #WallArt | Easy and Budget Friendly Holiday Decoration| Beautiful DIY Christmas Gifts | #ChristmasFreePrintable | DIY Farmhouse Home Decor | DIY Industrial Style Home Decor | Santa and Sleigh Free Printables |

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  1. These prints are OUTSTANDING! Thank you so much for sharing…they will have a special place in our Christmas decorations! You guys are the best!!!

    1. Hey there! I love these “diagrams” but I am unable to get to the download. I joined your list, but I guess I need a password of some type. Can you help please?

      1. Hello Rita, I am so glad you liked our free printables! As for the password, if you received our welcome e-mail, you’ll find the password in that e-mail. Have a great week! 🙂

  2. These are so cool. These can be downsized and that is wonderful. I am going to try to use these on Christmas Season Pillows. I will print the fabric and then make the pillows. What a great gift to your readers! Thank you!

    1. It is funny you should say that, Jenny! Just yesterday I renewed all the pictures of my Christmas Pillows post, and while doing that I made a note-to-self that I should mention these prints could be turned into pillow faces as well. Of course with my mind being what it is and with the excitement of finishing the post, I forgot to put that info into the post today LOL.

        1. Hello Claudine, no you don’t need a special printer to be able to print on fabric. I am assuming you have an inkjet printer, and with that you could either print directly on fabric. Here is a tutorial from Graphic Fairy for you: But please note I am not sure that would hurt the printer or not.
          Also you could do image transfer to fabric. I have a tutorial on image transfer to fabric if you’d like to check it out: With this method your printer is safe as you are still printing on paper.

  3. I just LOVE these! I don’t do Christmas with all the cutesy things. Just a few basic different reindeer and a itty bitty tree but these I want! My friend is an engineer and he would love these, too!
    I am already a subscriber but I can’t access the freebies. It asks for a password. What one do I put in?

    1. Hello Aletheia, I am so glad you liked it! The password is near the bottom of the post-notification e-mail that was sent out today at 6 PM EST. It is in a box and starts with “The VIP Patch Password:”. Let me know if you can’t find it, and I’ll e-mail it to you 🙂

      1. D’oh! Silly me! I didn’t look down the page that far! Old age, what can I say? Thank you a million for your kind help and lovely prints!

  4. these are magnificent, way far above the blah ordinary same old stuff you normally see this time of the year , i love your Christmas brain xx

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking when I prepared these – they are not like the same old stuff you see everywhere. I am so glad you liked them! And I love your comment brain!! xx 🙂

  5. Great minds think alike! Last year I discovered blueprint art on Zullily and purchased some for Christmas gifts. It comes unframed and was only around $12.00 cdn however they are also only 8X10″. They were also more mechanical in nature like motorcycles, planes, a coffee pot, the first keg, etc. I love that you are letting us download for free and that they are Christmas themed! I love how unique these are! BTW, the gifts were well received so I know these would also make great gifts! Thanks so much!
    P.S. What is it about our men that they don’t appreciate our lovely voices? Lol!

    1. Thank you so much, Giselle! Hahahaha – with Greg I think I know the reason: my voice relates to new projects. Hence the selective hearing or earmuffs or tuning out 😀

  6. The Navage Patch ROCKS!!!!
    I can’t believe Greg wears his earmuffs when you sing along – so like a man, particularly our partners, Greg clearly lacks understanding of the finer arts. Seriously though I love your posts guys and your wonderful recycling. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Hahaha – I couldn’t agree more with that :-D. Thank you so much, Pauline! I indeed love reading comments like yours! It is our pleasure and both Greg and I are so happy you like what we share 😀

  7. Thanks Greg and Handan. I can’t wait to print these. This will be our 3rd winter living in Saudi, where there are absolutely no Christmas decorations for purchase. But, I can find frames for these and add them to my sparse Christmas collection!

    1. Hi Tammy, you are so very welcome! Your comment indeed made my day!  
      You are right, and I totally forgot that. I spent 2 summers in KSA when I was 7-8, as my dad was working there. So I know by heart that KSA is a different story than UAE and Qatar. In UAE and Qatar, you’ll find anything and everything in the malls (or Carrefours), be it for Christmas or Halloween or anything else. But KSA is much more restrictive when it comes to these things. I am so glad these prints came in handy for you!

  8. These are fascinating, Handan! Each one of these prints is amazing!!! And what a terrific idea to replicate them for Christmas! They would look perfect on any wall, not just Barish’s room! Thanks for the Christmas gift! It’s so sweet of you to share this with all of us!

  9. I am so happy to have found you. I have subscribed, but I still cannot get into the VIP section… but I am hoping that the email will soon come through. These are beautiful and thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us!

  10. I have tried to subscribe, but I have found no place to enter and confirm a password. Therefore, when I try to enter one on the VIP page, I am denied access. Help, please.

    1. Hi Jerry, I’m sorry I missed your comment before. I will send the password to you right away. I will also attach a picture to that e-mail showing you how to find the password in the future [as you’ll need that info when we change the password ;-)]

  11. I’m also having trouble accessing the VIP password. I subscribed and got the email, but no password for the printables. Please help! : (

    1. Hi Angie, you should have received our Welcome e-mail within an hour so after you signed up. The password is in that e-mail. Please note that it is a different e-mail than the confirmation e-mail. But in case you can’t find our welcome e-mail, I will be forwarding it to you shortly, so you can gain access. 🙂

  12. Thanks for the Christmas printables, but, I seem to only get it in a Zip format, could I get them in a pdf please!
    I’m enjoing the blog!
    Thank you


    1. Jo-Ann, for any free printable bigger than 11″x17″, we are only sharing the Jpeg files, because PDFs are unfortunately much larger in file size than Jpegs. Hence PDFs make downloading impossible in areas where they have slow internet. And to make it even easier to download, we are grouping the printables using ZIP, as it also compresses the files a bit more and helps with the download. So once you download the ZIP, if you unzip them you’ll see that the files are Jpegs.
      As for how to unzip it, you may already have a free ZIP software in your computer. If you don’t have a ZIP software, you can get Peazip (( as it is a free one. Then the rest is easy: once you download the ZIP file, right click on it, and the menu that shows up will have options like extract, extract here, extract in a folder etc. Just chose any of them and you ‘ll have the Jpegs.

    1. You are so very welcome, Leanna! I am really so glad you liked these patent wall art. More great printables like these are on their way, so stay tuned 😉

  13. Just love your site and your sense of humour. Have a great Christmas and look forward to more of your fabulous posts. Best wishes from Australia.

  14. I really love the deer in your Christmas Mantle post! They are not as glittery and blinged out as the available deer I have found so far this year. Any idea where you found them?

    1. Hi Mary Lou, yes I see you were added our mailing list at 1:08 PM. Receiving our Welcome e-mail usually takes up to 2-3 hours after subscription. But no worries – I will send the password to you shortly. I hope you’ll enjoy everything you find on the Navage Patch 😉

  15. What a great set of prints! I am a little confused though. How does a normal household printer (HP inkjet) print out something that large? I would love to gift a couple of these for Christmas this year.

  16. How about some different snowmen to use in January. When you take down all those Christmas decorations, everything seems so bare. It would be fun to put up some snowmen made in this format.

    1. Hi Deborah, I actually searched for some vintage snowman patents on Google when I was preparing this set, but there was none I could find. That is why in January and February, Greg will be sharing some sports related patent art for those who love football, baseball, soccer, golf etc 😉

  17. I do subscribe to your site. Can’t seem to find where to download?? You have some great ideas!! I loved the tear drop glass project! Still have not made one……..LOL!! Soooo many projects, not enough time!! OH and Cousin IT……I got the sunglasses!!!! So it will wait till next year…LOL!!! Thanks for sharing these prints, I really think they are so unique!! I have wanted some for a while now….but, again, not enough time to research…..I am really glad you did!!! REALLY!!!!! Hope you ALL have a safe and happy holiday!!

  18. I never received the welcome email with the password for downloading the pictures, could you please send it again? Thanks.

    Mary S.

    1. Hi Mary, no worries – I am sending you an e-mail right now giving the password and also a picture showing you where to find it in the future 😉

  19. These are so amazing, love them all! We purchased a 1928 Eatons Catalogue farmhouse and I can’t wait to display these every Christmas in our new home! Thank you for generously sharing your designs. Merry Christmas to you and your family from my family here in Canada.

  20. Thank you for making ALL of your prints available for us to download.
    I joined this summer and am loving the info you share with us. However, I am having trouble as well with accessing the portal for the downloads. The password I had is not working. HELP!

    1. Hi Pam, I checked if you received today’s post notification email, and I see that you did. On the top of that email we sent you should see the latest password for The VIP Patch. Please use that to enter to the VIP Patch. However, if it still doesn’t let you in, then try clearing your internet browser’s cache and cookies. Once your cache is cleared, the password should work. Let us know if you need any further help. 🙂

  21. Hi guys, I love the free printables you are letting us have, however, I have sent 2 emails to subscribe (even though, I am pretty sure I already am), but I cannot find the link to download these free beauties or the patent prints from yesterday, help! Thanks so much for your generosity!

  22. Love these! the problem is it says you think I’m a bot so I had to do the capture. The problem with that is I have done it 6 times already and can’t get through. HELP!

    1. I’m so sorry about that, Terrell! All is fixed now. Long story short, our web-hosting company put that on and wouldn’t take it off despite me assuring them that it was cause huge problems on my site. When I threatened to take my business elsewhere, they relented and removed it. ugh!

  23. I love the patent art. I tried to sign up – repeatedly – on different devices, but I never received a welcome email (inbox or spam) with a password for the printable library.

    1. Hi Kat, I think you received our Welcome email after you left this comment. I see that you received an email from us and opened the email in our database. But if that’s not the case let Greg know about it and he’ll be happy to help 🙂

  24. I would love to print some of your vintage patent prints. I have signed up to subscribed several times and I never receive any information regarding the password. Perhaps you can help me with this.
    Thank you,