Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop

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Are you looking for an easy life-size Halloween prop? Learn how to make bagged bodies with some contractor bags, duct tape and old newspapers.

We love Halloween. I know I told you the exact same thing in my Pottery Barn Inspired Outdoor Metal Pumpkins post, but I wanted to emphasize it once again: We LOVE Halloween! Loud and proud, baby! 😉

We love Halloween so much that my babes and I morph into mischievous kids this time of year and have way too much fun!

Last year, as we were a bit late to set up the decorations, I wanted to help Greg out. On Friday, October 30th, we started putting up the decorations after I came home from work. Greg mostly did the outdoor set-up, while I was busy with the interior decor.

After he put the very first Halloween prop, he came in, sat down at his desk and told me that he wanted to post the picture of the first prop.

H: I thought we were going to post the pictures after everything is ready.

G: Yeah, but it really looks great, my babes. I’m just gonna post this one.

Thinking that he is really into decorating the house (which is rare) I said ok, and he posted this photo on his Facebook page.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Now, you might think the picture is perfectly fine to post on Facebook. Well, that’s also what I thought!.. Sometime later my phone started going crazy with Facebook notifications. I thought “huh! For once he remembered to tag me in his post” and just carried on with the decorations for another hour or two. Then, when we finally finished with the decoration, I went on Facebook and saw this!!!

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

LOLOLOL. What a mischievous one, isn’t he?

How can anyone even respond to that? But I just had to do something about it. After all, he started it, and I was planning to finish it! Luckily, it took me no time to come up with a plan, and he was my inspiration…hahaha.

I went and grabbed my tape measure. While he was trying to cook, I got quick measurements of his head, shoulder width and the height. That must have creeped him out! He asked what was I trying to do and I said “nothing! just measuring you, as you are my inspiration!” and kissed him, then ran to the garage to grab some black contractor bags and a roll of heavy duty duct tape. As I couldn’t find any of it, I had to yell from the garage…

H: Hey babes… do you know where the duct tape is?

G: (he yelled back from kitchen) Third shelf! Right side!

H: (couple minutes later) Ok, I found it! Do you also know where we keep the contractor bags?

G: (after a bit of silence, he showed up at the garage door with curiosity pouring from his eyes) Over there…what are you gonna do with them?

H: (smiled with an angelic face) nothing!… don’t worry, you’ll see in a bit.

After bringing three contractor bags and the duct tape to the family room, I went down to the basement. Sometime later, Greg called me for dinner, and I answered him from the basement…

H: I’ll be right there. Just looking for a heavy object that I can use.

G: (no response)

I know how all this sounds, but I just wanted to get everything ready for my plan, because I wanted to do it right on the first try. Besides, if I gathered all the supplies, the entire thing was going to be all very quick and easy. I mean really…no blood, no mess type of thing. It can’t get any better than that, right?


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  • 2 Contractor bags
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Old boots or shoes
  • Newspaper, plastic bags or anything else to use for stuffing
  • Metal cylinder or can
Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |
Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

How to Make Bagged Bodies

First, I laid two of the contractor bags on the floor and measured the length. It was close enough to Greg’s height, so I decided not to use the third one.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Then, I opened one of the contractor bags and put his old boots in it – this is where Greg stopped holding his breath! LOL. I used his old boots for the feet as they were heavy enough to keep the entire thing safe from flying around if we had a windy night.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Next, I duct taped the contractor bag just where ankles would be.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Now here is the tedious part: I started stuffing the contractor bag with any type of filler I could find. Plastic bags, paper bags, packing bubbles…whatever you can think of.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Once the first contractor bag was filled, I again duct taped it here and there.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Duct taping is not only to give it a more realistic look, but also for keeping the legs’ width proportional to the feet area.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

As the first contractor bag bag was done, I started working with the second one. This was going to have the upper body, so I started preparing the head part. First, I made a nice head-like ball from papers.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Next, I inserted the bottom part of the paper ball into a metal container I found in our basement. I used the metal container to be able to create the neck, so if you don’t have a metal container, you can use an empty food can instead. Once the bottom of the paper ball was in the metal container, I duct taped it to secure it in its place.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Then, I put the head piece into the contractor bag and duct taped the contractor bag where the neck would be.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Next, I started filling the contractor bag with more stuffing.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Just before reaching the end, I slid the first contractor bag into second one.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Before duct taping the two bags together, I cut the flaps of the upper bag…

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

…then I started duct taping to connect the two bags.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Once the two contractor bags were connected, I started duct taping the upper body: one line from where shoulders would be and another somewhere around the belly area. And that was that!

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

See how easy it was?…Oh his name is Greggy, by the way 🙂 He looks as good as a dead man the inspiration piece, doesn’t he?

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

[Editor’s note: she added a few inches 😂]

He looks even better lying on our doorstep, hahaha.

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Since Greggy seemed pretty lonely I made another one to keep him company in the cold and windy nights. Don’t worry…I used the usual stuffing with the second one too: old newspapers, plastic bags and packing bubbles 🙂

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |
Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |
Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Oh, before I forget: if you are planning to make this prop, just inform your neighbors before you put it out on your lawn or door step. You know…just in case they think it is real and want to call the police. 😉

Bagged Bodies: A Life-Size Halloween Prop | DIY Halloween decor | Easy & budget crafts | DIY Life-size Halloween prop | Spooky and gothic decor | Upcycled Halloween decor |

Handan, xo

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  1. You guys are too much! So glad you had a laugh for Halloween! I threw a party after 20 years because we don’t celebrate in Greece. The kids loved it, they got to be spooky for a change.

    1. Thank you so much, Mary! Lol! Oh it was a blast for us! Turks also don’t celebrate Halloween. Only after I moved out of Turkey, I realized what kind of fun I was missing. So ever since I am in a “catching up” mode. But I have to say Greg helps me tremendously, as his usual Halloween mischief pushes all the blood to my brain and makes me more creative than ever. 😀

  2. Great job, Handan. I did something similar a few years ago. I wrapped the body in cotton batting and attached spiders to him in several places. He hangs upside down at our parties. Our guests love it. Thank you for all your and Greg’s inspirations. I made the cages last year. Of course, they were a big hit and I gave all the credit to you guys for the idea.

  3. This looks amazing and I am so impressed that you came up with then is did it in one afternoon! Im excited to try it and add to our decorations this year. I adore decorating for Halloween!!

    As always happens, I clicked on a link form your email newsletter and now have spent half my morning on your site. I love all of your ideas! My husband is from Afghanistan, so I spent the last hour or so reading about your stay there (still waiting for the pilaf recipe!!). I think you are an amazing family and I wish you the best of luck in your new home as well!!

    1. Thank you so much, and I’m so happy you spent some time getting to know us! Yes, our year in Afghanistan was unforgettable, but it is a shame what’s going on there now. Back then, I had hoped we’d be vacationing in Afghanistan by the year 2020.

  4. Have read and gone through the bottle labels post over and over, and still can’t find where to click to get me to the actual labels. Seems like every click takes me back to the beginning. 🙁 and I already read and screen shotted everything! Haha but no labels to print out. Can you please help me😑 and i have entered my email twice so I can access the printables too and nothing.

  5. I needed this today! Made one for my 2 skellies to carry to the grave! My body guy is named Bill! 🤣🤣🤣Thanks Handan!!