DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) |Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft)

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This DIY Halloween wreath is so easy that even a man can do it! I’m a man, so I know what I’m talking about here. Take a break, ladies – your guy’s got it!

Embroidery hoops.

Has it come to this? Really?

I mean, seriously, what’s next?

Tea parties?


Sewing circles?

When will this madness end??

Is this my fate?

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

Yes, ladies, I’m checking my manhood at the door and going Full Gertrude for this post, so grab your embroidery hoops, and let’s get crafting!

Today, I’m going to show you how to make the quickest and easiest DIY Halloween wreath ever. If I can make this thing in under 10 minutes (I’m not including the time it takes for the paint to dry, so don’t get sassy!), then you should be able to do it in 5!

DIY Halloween Wreath SUPPLIES LIST

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DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) |Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

I gathered my hoops, and Handan arranged them into a shape she claimed looked like a baby.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

I thought it looked like a surprised Sumo wrestler.

Next, I took apart the hoops and put them on a flat surface for painting.

I informed the hoops that their wood-looking days were over, then I took aim and fired with the black spray paint.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

I sprayed them with 3 light coats of flat black.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

While the hoops dried, I sprayed 22 spiders to gold. I used Rustoleum’s new Imagine Craft and Hobby gold spray paint. Normally, I find the color gold to be hideous, unless it’s in the form of gold coins or bars sitting in my hand, but Rustoleum’s Imagine gold is awesome! Okay, here’s the thing though. You may have trouble finding this paint. It’s that new! Rustoleum was kind enough to send us a few cans for our holiday projects, but I can’t find it offered for sale anywhere online. I’m sure it will start popping up in the craft stores and on Amazon soon, so keep your eyes out for it, because it is a fantastic spray paint.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

Once the hoops had dried, I laid my fabric over the inner ring. Handan had some spare cloth from a Halloween of yore lying around in her craft room, so I pilfered that for this project. I then laid the outer ring over the inner and pressed it into place.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

Working around the hoop, I pulled the cloth until it was tight.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

Then I tightened the hoop to lock the cloth into place.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

I trimmed away the excess cloth, leaving a few millimeters showing, just so it wouldn’t pull back through the ring.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

Would you look at that? It’s almost done!

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

To the big wreath, I attached 14 gold spiders and set it aside to focus on the 4 small wreaths.

The gold spiders attached easily using their ring hoops.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

Before attaching the black spiders, I had to cut the finger hoops from the spider rings so they’d look right when hanging.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

I tied a black thread around the spider. This is complicated stuff, madam – I hope you’re paying close attention!

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

And then I tied it to the bottom of the wreath and trimmed of the excess thread.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

I hung the four small wreaths from the hoops on the backs of our dining chairs, but you can hang these wreaths anywhere.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

And that’s it! The quickest and easiest wreath you’ll ever make! I’m a guy – trust me wreaths are not my cup of tea – but even I could make these things in almost no time!

Let’s have a look at how they turned out.

DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

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DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |
DIY Halloween Wreath (an Easy 10-Minute Craft) | Quick and easy DIY spider wreath with Dollar Store supplies | Upcycled embroidery hoop wreath | Upcycled and Repurposed Halloween decor | #TheNavagePatch #Upcycled #halloweendecorations #halloween #easydiy #DIY #DollarTree #DollarStore #halloweencrafts #spiders #halloweenparty |

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  1. Honestly, you have no shame!!! I laughed so hard at the picture! Which EXACT lacy fabric did you use? I like the spider web appearance. I can’t find it in the Amazon choices. Thanks for answering.

  2. ROFL! That picture was hilarious!!! The craft was great too, but I actually LOL’d at work! Good thing I happen to be alone today. đŸ˜€

  3. This has got to be good for the soul. The wreath is amazing and will go into the H-Files (Halloween) but the portrait …….I can’t find words !!
    Love you guys and all the wonderful diys .

  4. I find myself looking just to get a laugh at your hilarious personality Greg. You guys are so much fun! Thanks for making this world happier and more creative place.Keep up the great work!

  5. Lindo lindooooooooo maravilhoso . EstĂ£o de parabens. Gostaria de fazer igual qdo e se eu fizer coloco para voces rirem de mim .bj Elizete