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Farmhouse Patent Art (and Surprise Bonus Printables)

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Bring some vintage charm to your decor with these 18 free Farmhouse Patent Art printables. As a bonus we’ve included 12 free Olive Branch Botanical Prints and 2 free Oversize Phonetic Alphabet – Morse Code Wall Art printables.

Hey, remember my recent Football Patent Art post?


Well, neither does anyone else. That post stunk like a catfish in a peach tree, so to make up for that stinker, I’m going to give you something I know you’ll love: Farmhouse Patent Art!

Hey, when the bandwagon is running, you better jump on board from time to time, right? So let’s hear it for Farmhouse!


You know, now that I think about it, I’m not really jumping on any bandwagons, and I’m not really all that full of crap (though Handan may disagree). I actually worked on a farm here in Glastonbury, Connecticut when I was a kid. I’d say that gives me more Farmhouse cred than most people blathering on about it these days!

So maybe I’m a little bit of a snob. So what? Get your mind back to the post and the printables, madam! Okay look, I wasn’t out there milkin’ cows or collectin’ eggs or forkin’ hay or anything like that. But I was picking tobacco and driving old tractors and climbing around in the rafters of old barns. In the mornings, we used to pick tomatoes for an hour before heading over to the tobacco fields. Man, I hated that. Not only did it require constant and repeated bending (Ken Horton grew his tomatoes on the ground, not up on trellises), but afterwards, my hands reeked of tomato stem – a smell I can’t stand to this day. Just ask Handan – whenever we’re out working with our tomato plants, I whine like a three-year-old about those smelly stems. But those Horton tomatoes were excellent. We’d eat them like apples, straight from the bush. And that’s the other problem with those summer mornings spent bent over like an old crone: those tomatoes were so damn good that they ruined all other tomatoes for me! Unless they are farm-fresh and perfectly ripe, I won’t touch them. Working at the farm had turned me into a tomato snob. Well, it wouldn’t be the last time I snobbed-out about something. Come to think of it…I’m pretty snobby with a lot of food and drink.

Farmhouse Patent Art (and Surprise Bonus Printables) pinterest image

Farmhouse Patent Art

Actually, all credit and glory for these awesome farmhouse patent art free printables goes to Handan. Normally, she would write the post too, but I offered to relieve her of the burden, because I wanted to take all the glory for myself, mwahahahaha. Nah, I’m just kidding. She’s been a busy bee lately juggling her “real” job and the blog work, so I just wanted to help her out. Now here’s the thing about Farmhouse: it’s all about making your house look like it just popped out of 1931. Except for the kitchen appliances. Gotta have that fancy range and a refrigerator that knows more than you do. You know the one that monitors your inventory and fires off an order to Amazon whenever your free-range eggs, organic skim milk, Yoplait and gluten-free, sugar-free, fat-free snacky cakes dip below critical thresholds? Yeah, that one. Here’s the real question, though – do any actual farmers live in houses decorated in the current Farmhouse style? Or do they look at all of this faux-farmy nonsense and just shake their heads and wish they actually had time to decorate?

If you’re a real farmer, please let me know in the comments.

Well, either way, we’re going for Farmhouse, and what better way to capture that vintage charm, than with prints of old farm patents? It’s genius! Let’s get to ’em!

You can’t have a respectable farm without a tractor, right? Wellllll, then you can’t have a Farmhouse without one of these farmhouse patent art printables!

Tractor patent art in chalkboard background

That reminds me of Horton’s Farm. There were two tractors that I recall. One was a blue Ford from the 1980s that was probably a direct descendant of the one pictured above. The other was a red International Harvester Farmall from the 1940s. It had two huge back wheels and two tiny front wheels. A three-foot exhaust pipe (I called it a smokestack) protruded from the engine hood.

When we harvested the tobacco, we’d sometimes find tobacco worms – great big green things with horned heads. We would collect a few and dump them into the Farmall’s smokestack while the tractor sat idling. After the worms had cooked for a few minutes, one of us would grab the throttle lever and yank it open all the way. The engine would roar to life and the smokestack would belch a great gout of smoke through which the tobacco worms hurtled like tiny green Apollo astronauts on a doomed moonshot.

We had a lot of fun on the farm, but launching tobacco worms still holds a special place in my heart.

I only wish there were a silo on that farm. I feel like silos offer so many excellent opportunities for a rotten kid to get in trouble. Oh well. I’ll have to settle for this awesome vintage patent print of a silo instead.

Silo patent art in aged paper background

Am I the only one who thinks about rockets when looking at silos?

Though Horton’s Farm wasn’t an animal farm, there were a few small ones in town when I was a kid. I remember I milked a cow once. I think it was at my friend’s grandparents’ farm that sits only a couple of miles from where I sit typing this post. Two notable things happened during that farm visit: I milked a cow, and I nearly decapitated myself on a barbed wire fence while riding one of their all terrain vehicles around the fields. But that’s a different story. Let’s get back to the cow. If you’ve never milked one, I highly recommend it. There’s nothing like really fresh milk!

Cow milker patent art in aged paper background

Of course, I didn’t use some fancy-pants “cow milker.” I did the job with my fingers, much to the cow’s dismay, I’m sure.

You know, if you look at any photo or painting of an old farmhouse, there are two things you’re pretty much guaranteed to see: a barn and a windmill. I think windmills are neat, but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a real one up close. I mean a real one that was actually converting the wind’s energy into useful work like pumping well-water or irrigation. Mostly people just have them for show these days – just another flying projectile for the next tornado.

Windmill patent art in chalkboard background

I remember as a kid hearing awful stories about guys getting various body parts caught in big agricultural farming machines and the resulting carnage. I looked upon those big machines with awe and fear. But without those terrifying arm-eaters, we’d still be out walking through endless fields with sickles and flails, thinking to ourselves, “Good god this is boring! There must be a better way!”

Thresher and separator patent art in aged paper background

We didn’t have threshers at Horton’s Farm. We harvested the tobacco plants with small hatchets that had been used since the family bought the land back in 1860. Once we harvested the tobacco leaves – it was broadleaf tobacco, and the leaves were used for cigar wrappers – we hung them in a big drying shed where they would stay until they were shipped off to a middleman who would further cure and age the leaves before selling them to cigar makers in Cuba and The Dominican Republic.

This last patent reminds me of those drying sheds on Horton’s Farm, though they were much bigger!

Farm building farmhouse patent art in ivory color paper background

I’ll share one last farm memory before we get to the surprise bonus printables.

A few of us kids were standing around in front of one of the drying sheds early one morning before the work began. It was a cool morning, and the dew had fallen overnight, covering the grass with water droplets. One of the kids spotted a tobacco leaf on the ground filled with an ounce or two of clear liquid.

“Ooooh!” He said and ran over to pick up the leaf, careful not to spill any precious morning dew. “Taste the nature!” He exclaimed before raising the leaf to his lip and giving a mighty slurp. His face immediately contorted, and he spat the liquid to the ground.

“BLECH! Chemicals!” He shouted, wiping his mouth on his arm, as we all whooped and hollered and laughed at his misfortune.

Even the simple farm life had its perils. I think he learned a valuable lesson that day.

Okay, on to the bonus printables!

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!

Olive Branch Vintage Botanical Illustrations

The first lot is the vintage olive branch printables. Handan loves these olive branch illustrations, in fact she loves all things Mediterranean, as they remind her of Izmir and Antalya in Turkey.

6 vintage botanical olive branch illustrations in aged paper background
Vintage botanical olive branch illustration in ivory color paper background
Vintage botanical olive branch illustration in aged paper background

Phonetic Alphabet Wall Art

The second bonus printable is a phonetic alphabet – Morse code wall art. In December, one of our readers named Sidney asked if we could prepare a printable for her of the Morse code alphabet. She wanted to give it to her husband, a former Navy submariner. I told her if she didn’t mind waiting until January, we’d be happy to oblige. Well, the printable looked so good, we decided to share it with everyone!

Phonetic alphabet wall art in chalkboard background

Note that one of the files can be printed BIG – like 6-feet-tall big! It would look awesome in a man cave.

2 phonetic alphabet wall art in chalkboard background

Apart from the Morse code alphabet, Handan designed today’s offerings to fit into a 16×20 inch frame or a 24×36 poster frame, though you may scale them up or down as necessary. 24×36 inch scales down easily to 20×30 / 16×24 / 12×18 / 8×12 / 4×6 inches, and 16×20 inch scales down to 12×15 / 8×10 / 4×5 inches with no problems. If you need help with scaling down these printables so you can print them using your home printer, then make sure you check out our “How To Easily Resize Pictures” post.

Note:  If you don’t have a large format printer like the Canon i8720 Printer (prints up to 13×19 inches) and are wondering the best place to get these large printables printed bigger than 8×12, we recommend trying Staples in your area or Amazon print shop. Both stores offer custom-sized prints on matte or glossy paper, and they both cost about the same. Staples also offers Engineering Prints, which are really affordable for large-format prints, but in some areas (like ours), they must be ordered from their online print shop.

As for the Morse code alphabet wall art, it has 2 sizes: 30×60 inches and 30×72 inches, and of course these printables can easily be scaled down.

How to Download The Farmhouse Patent Art and Surprise Bonus Printables

Okay, enough of my yapping. Click on the button below to download the printables you’d like! You’ll find the Farmhouse Patent Art under the “Patent Art” tab of the VIP Patch, Olive Illustrations  under the “Vintage Illustrations” tab, and the Morse Code Alphabet under the “Home Decor” tab.

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Farmhouse Patent Art pinterest image
Vintage botanical olive branch illustrations pinterest image
Phonetic alphabet wall art pinterest image

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  1. Funny, I live in a farm house built in 1931 on a real farm. There is no such thing as open concept, no shiplap, no stainless steel appliances and the closest thing to the “farmhouse” stuff is an aerial photo of the farm taken a couple of decades ago. The walls in most rooms are white, built-in woodwork is a dark stain with a high-gloss sealer in the dining room and library end of the living room, tiny bedrooms, no en-suite, small walk-in closets (weird but I’ll take them) and a couple of bedrooms with no closet at all. We have a full basement with a lovely fruit room used as a pantry too, with a furnace almost as big as a VW Bug and older than I am!

    1. Susan…you have perfectly described the farmhouse in which I grew up!! My “closet” was a clothesline strung across a corner of an upstairs bedroom. I remember my Mother covering me w/at least one featherbed & a number of quilts, all being ones she made (wintertime, of course…it was equally hot in the summer!). I’ve come to appreciate & love that old house. It now has passed on to my brother & me, & it is where he lives in retirement. Thank you for posting.
      Note to Greg…Love the farmhouse patent art & Handan’s olive illustration art. As always, your novel blog entertained me. Thanks to both of you.

    2. Lol I love that you say there is no such thing as open concept because the farm and farmhouse I lived on and my mother still live on felt like a maze . And it was nothing to see a family of guneas or chicken walk through the yard and try to keep the dogs from eating them . Sometimes getting a call one of the horses got out and having to go round them up or filling the bird feeders weekly and cleaning the stalls . I laugh at the signs that say farmhouse because nothing says farmhouse like a sign that says farmhouse .

    3. Hello! I subscribed so that I could access your printable, and I received a confirmation email but not a password email so that I can access the printable. Please help! Thanks!

      1. Hi Greg, yes I see that you subscribed on March 22nd, and received two emails from us. One was opened (I believe that was the confirmation) and the second one wasn’t opened. Please check your junk mail folder in case our Welcome email had a misadventure.

  2. Love these (sorry about the football printables, but they just weren’t up my alley!). I never got around to printing the holiday ones, but they were so funny! Next year, I’ll print them in November so that I can easily decorate the house for the holiday, even once I’ve acquired the annual headcold.
    Someday, I want frames to be sized to fit letter and legal paper nicely, so that I can just print black and white stuff on my regular printer. Sigh. In that perfect world I will someday get around to creating in my mind. 😀
    Stay warm and post lots while we wait for the storms to finish!

  3. Awww…thanks so much!

    I hung the holiday prints and then just recently replaced them with the book pages. Since we live in the country (but likewise, with none of the accouterments associated with themodern farmhouse look) these will be replacing the book pages soon. (I especially luv the tractor and windmill!)

    I am so glad I subscribed to your blog, even it it means I find myself frequently updating my frames with your latest patent art. Hahahah!

    1. Hi Karen – you’re so very welcome! We’re delighted you’ve joined our blog, and so happy to hear that you have our printables on rotation on your walls, lol! 🙂

  4. That football patent art post was awesome! It inspired me to find other patent art for my teen center at work AND my 16- year-old’s bedroom. I used the actual football print, the sourced one for headphones and another for a joystick. I found frames at the thrift store! My step-son hasn’t seen them yet, but my husband loves them.

    1. Thank you so much, Ruth! I’m glad to hear that some people liked those football prints! Hey, could you send me a pic of the joystick and headphones? Maybe we can make a printables post that is teen-oriented. Thanks!

  5. Just for the record, I loved the Football Printables. 🙂 I have nowhere suitable to hang them, but I think they were terrific And the post was, as always, funny. 🙂 Thanks for these ones and the bonus olive branches, they are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Claudine! This is great – I’ve heard from a few people that my football prints weren’t so bad. That makes me feel great!

  6. Thank you for these printables! I love the Christmas patents, but sadly they have to come down until next December. Now I’ve got some new patents to go in their place!

  7. Oh, Greg, I love your stories of the farm! I grew up on a farm in Indiana. We had a red Farm All tractor, though I couldn’t tell you the year. Girls weren’t supposed to be interested in those things, and, while my mother was out in the fields regularly, she wanted me to grow up to be a lady. I do think I drove it once, but the narrow front tires scared me. Little did she realize I inherited my dad’s engineering genes. When my (now) ex and I bought an old farmhouse on 5 acres in Illinois, we picked up an old Ford tractor. I had the best time tearing into the engine, changing the oil, lubing the grease points. My 1910 farmhouse was extensively remodeled in the 1950s, so I can’t tell you too much about how it looked originally. I do, however, still have some plaster lathe walls, and I know at some point the kitchen had been painted a dark forest green. The 2 x 4 s are really 2″ x 4″ and so thick and solid an electrician went through 2 half – inch drill bits trying to run some wire. The basement is unfinished and, without codes to follow, I can see the floor joists vary from 14″ on center to 22″. I could go on and on, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjot your blog. Thanks!

    1. Nancy, I’ll bet your house will outlast all the others in your town. They really don’t build them like that anymore. I love that your 2x4s are actually 2×4! What a rip off these days – “nominal dimensions.” Please, it’s like the “half gallon” of ice cream that is now only 1.5 quarts. I can picture your tractor – to me the Farmall is the epitome of the Great American Tractor. It is such an iconic style.

  8. I’m getting a message, when I attempt to PIN the tractor image that it is not a valid image. Tried both the chalk and the aged and got the same response. I enjoyed the stories about your farm adventures. You are just a little too young to appreciate what you’ve provided here! My grandfather actually had tractors with lugs on the wheels. My other grandfather, who ran away from home at the age of 13, worked as a stable boy for a huge farm that farmed with mules. He lived over the stable that housed hundreds of mules but eventually upgraded to working on one of those threshing machine crews and that’s how he met my grandmother! My father cobbled together an automatic milker…a little more up to date than the one being pictured. And, yes, I remember real, working windmills! Thanks for providing these images!

    1. Hi Teddee, Handan had the same issue last night, but it turned out to be a Pinterest glitch, and now everything is solved. You’re so very welcome for the printables, and thank you for the stories about your farming history!

  9. Thank you – these are fantastic! I did download the football patents – figure they’ll be useful somehow for my Mom’s Super Bowl party! I used the Christmas patents to make ornaments for our tree – just sized them down, backed with colorful patterned paper, and added a ribbon for hanging. I needed something to fill one of my 8×10 frames in our hallway, and now I have the perfect thing – the thresher patent. It will look great with the large photo on canvas of my grandfather working his family’s thresher on their farm in Iowa in the 1940’s.
    Our family ranch in California had a working windmill, although we couldn’t drink the water – it was only used for washing; we had to truck in drinking water.
    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Mitzi – thank you for the farm stories! I love hearing about them, as there were no farms in my family lineage, as far as I’m aware.

  10. Enjoyed your great stories and will have to try some of the printables! Trouble with an open concept house is I don’t have enough walls; rotating my pictures will have to do! My Monet collection (mostly gleaned from thrifts, Wal-mart, and yard sales) has leaked out from the bathroom into bedroom. My partner’s parents’ farm looks nothing like farmhouse style except for a LONG kitchen table (he was oldest of 8) and mismatched chairs. Oh, yeah, and the kitchen cookstove that helps heat the entire house!

    1. Oh, Kathy, we feel your pain! We have an open floor plan with 18 foot ceilings. It really makes decorating a pain in the butt! Thanks for writing!

  11. I just found your blog through Pinterest and am so excited to explore! I love the Farmhouse Patent Art and have ideas for family gifts. We live in farm country so these are terrific! Thanks so much for the offers!

  12. I have done everything & I still can’t find where to download a printable. Please help! I love your farmhouse printables.

    1. Hello Parnelli, I’m sorry you couldn’t enter to the VIP Patch. Shortly you’ll be receiving e-mail which will show you how to enter the VIP Patch and download the free printables.

    1. Hi Pam, the files are jpegs, so that’s an odd error that you’re reporting. Perhaps your download was interrupted, and the file got corrupted. May I ask you to please try the download again? If you’re still having issues, please email me at and I will help get you sorted. Thanks!

  13. Thank you for the printables! They will be fun! As a farm family in Nebraska I can tell you most farmhouses look like they are from 1931 because farmers never spend money on updating houses! I’m not sure why we call it the good life when we work harder and longer than most growing food that they think will kill them. We put everything we make back into the farm just to survive another year.

    1. Hi Cindy, Thank you for commenting! I love hearing from actual farm families and getting their opinion on the whole “Farmhouse” movement. I’ve long suspected that you guys probably think people are nuts to pay all that money for a fancy-but-rundown look! What do you grow on your farm? I’ve driven through Nebraska several times and marveled at the endless corn fields, though I know much more is grown there. Thanks for what you do! I certainly appreciate it!

  14. Thank you for all of your amazing printables! I love them! Just today, my husband and I hung the silo, tractor, and windmill from your Farmhouse Patent Art collection. These are perfect for us since we live on a 5th generation apple farm in upstate New York. I LOVE the farmhouse movement in decor. I have always loved decorating with old pieces and the modern farmhouse style gives my style a fresh edge. I am always looking for more sophisticated “farm” pieces for our home and you had just what I wanted! If you ever need an idea for more patent art, I would LOVE to see some pieces that are apple related, for example an apple sprayer, a peeler, an apple grader, and/or a picking bag. Please let me know if you need any information about any of these. Thanks again so much for all that you share!

    1. Thank you so much, Elizabeth! I love that you’re on an actual working farm. If you have some good pics, we’d love to see them. You can email me at You’ve given me a great idea for the fall, so be on the lookout for an apple-themed printables post in October! I know it’s a long way off, but we’ve marked it on our calendar, but it will be a perfect post for harvest season! Have a great week, Elizabeth!

  15. I love the Farmhouse Patent Art, but I have tried and tried to download the prints and I only get the Olive prints. Please help when time allows. THANK YOU!

  16. Could someone please share the password! Ive tried signing up with my email and have had no luck with getting a reply!! We are finishing up remodeling a 1907 farm house and turning it into a wedding venue and would love some old farm house style pictures for the walls!! Thank you!

    1. Hi Katie, perhaps our welcome email went to your junk mail box. Regardless, I will send the link and our password to you from my personal email account. Should you not receive my email within 10 minutes, please check your junk mail box. I hope that helps! 🙂

  17. So Happy to have found you and your work! It’s lovely and will be perfect in my newly (not quite yet) renovated farmhouse kitchen and sunroom combo!

  18. Hi, these are beautiful and brings back so many memories of childhood days. Thanks
    May I ask what type of paper would be best for printing these on?

    1. Hi Ann, if you are printing them at home, then I would suggest using high quality print setting and printing on index card stock like this one: With high quality print setting you may use a tiny bit more ink, but the results will be so worth it!

  19. My husband is a full time farmer and we have had calves in our bathtub and baby sheep lived in our mudroom for a while. We have lived in our ranch style brick and stone home for 16 years. We built it before the farmhouse craze. I am currently planning a redo of my living room and these farmhouse patent prints will be perfect on my gallery wall. Thank you for sharing! C. Roberts Ava, MO

  20. I love the vintage farm gear & made my hubby a birthday card with the tractor & thought I’d make wall prints with some of the others but the silo background is Ivory & the tractor is called Aged…is there any way to make the backgound colours the same?

    1. Hi Jenny, if you go into the VIP Patch, you’ll be able to download all of the farmhouse printables with either a chalkboard, ivory or aged background. Have a great weekend!

  21. Love your stuff! I have been trying to subscribe and gain access to your printables (twice). Still waiting for a password……..

  22. Your printables adorn my life with joy! I am a 64-year-old widowed farmer who still runs 60 cows and bales hay and rides horses. I love your new farmhouse prints. They will definitely be in my new Farm House, built beside a mountain pond. I often add my own touch with custom made barn wood frames, antiquing or distressing as I choose the presentation. I love the work you guys do and often share your posts. Greg and Handen, you are such an inspiration for my creativity! Thank you many times over.

    1. I’m so happy to hear that, Susan! You are so very welcome, and we thank you for reading and commenting! Your farm sounds pretty amazing – kudos to you for keeping it going on your own!

  23. Thank you so much for the wonderful prints. I can’t wait to use them in our 1908 4th generation(my hubby’s great grandfather actually built the house) farm house. It is a lot like described in some previous post with small rooms and no closets but we have completely renovated including a master suite and mud room addition. We decided to add on after our surprise daughter was born 6 years ago with Down Syndrome because we figured she would need her own suite eventually. Originally our house had a wrap around porch on three sides and had 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Now we have 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. The first renovation took place sometime in the early 80’s. Our house is not brand new but we love the setting on the family farm which my husband now runs the business and farms a little over 2,000 acres of beans, corn, and wheat.We have a huge double oak tree in our front yard with a big porch and white rails. We have family ground all around us with my in laws across the pasture and sis-n-law across and over in the pasture. I will try and post pics with my new prints.

    1. Hi Dana, your house sounds wonderful, and I’m sure it’s always going to be a special place for your daughter. It must really be great to have all of your family so close together! We’d really love to see some pics – not only of the printables in your house, but of your house and farm, too! Thank you for writing! 🙂

  24. Hey, I subscribed twice under two different emails and then got the password but when I put in the password it said could not open the file and it was not because I didnt have the program to open it I think there might be something wrong with the link can someone please email me the printables please please

  25. Yep, farmer here! And we live in an old farmhouse! A crappy old farmhouse! But we’re making some changes, adding on and modernizing. The old cistern on the back of the house was marked in the cement, Mar 1927. I’m sure they were glad to have modern plumbing! It’s now a pile of rubble with our new addition built on top. Thanks for the printables! I’m going to use several in my “new” modern farmhouse!

    1. Hi Beth! I’ve seen some of those old cement cisterns – they’re pretty cool! I’m so glad you’re using our printables in your real farmhouse, lol! 🙂

  26. Any plans to make aviation art? I love all of these, but my husband is a pilot and not a farmer! All of your printables are beautiful!

  27. Hi there!
    Love your Farmhouse patent printables, but am having trouble downloading the file. Before I throw my computer into the thresher can you please email the link to me?