Free Star Wars SVGs -

Free Star Wars SVGs (& Cricut Joy Giveaway!)

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This brilliant collection of free Star Wars and Mandalorian SVGs will perk up any mug or t-shirt and bring some much-needed Force into your life!

Free Star Wars SVGs -

I can’t tell you how many times I tried to use the Force as a kid. I knew it wasn’t real, but….it had to be real!

I’d stick my arm out in my best Luke Skywalker impression and try to lift things with my mind. Hey, I wasn’t greedy about it – I just wanted to pick up a pen or a pencil.

Imagine the fun I could have at school! Imagine how cool I could have been! (Alas, “could have” is the closest I ever came to attaining that title!)

But, yeah, it never happened.

Free Star Wars SVGs -

Now that I’m older, I’m not really interested in impressing anyone, so if I suddenly found myself in possession of the Force, I’d use it for entirely utilitarian purposes.

I’d use it to finish painting the walls.

I’d use it to organize the basement.

And I sure as hell would use it to conjure myself out of bed each morning and float me around the house until I was ready and capable of taking over.

Yep, I see the Force in purely practical terms these days.

You’ve seen the movie The Force Awakens?

Free Star Wars SVGs -

I want that literally.

6:30 am – I want the Force to awaken my snoring butt, haul me downstairs, and make me coffee.

I can’t think of a better use of power!

But until I figure out how to harness and control the Force, I’ll have to make do with making my own coffee and holding my own coffee tumbler.

Free Star Wars SVGs -

To pass the time while I work on my powers, Handan has created a whole slew of awesome free Star Wars SVGs. I’ve put them all over my coffee tumbler, so I can always have a little Star Wars in my daily life.

And since we’ve watched and loved The Mandalorian twice already, we also have some free Mandalorian SVGs for you, too!

But why stop at tumblers? I also made myself a Mandalorian pillow!

Free Star Wars SVGs -
Free Star Wars SVGs -

By the way, if you’re not familiar with Cricut Joy, please see my introductory post, here. It’s a fantastic little machine that we use all the time!

making on the move with cricut joy

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!

Okay, let’s get on with the free Star Wars SVGs, and then I’ll give you the details of our Cricut Joy Giveaway.

FREE Star Wars SVG Files

We created today’s FREE Star Wars SVG designs as JPG, PNG and SVG files which are resizable and compatible with Cricut and all other cutting machines.

Now go ahead and click on the button below to download today’s freebies – they are all in the “SVGs – Stencils” section of the VIP Lounge.

take me to your

amazing freebies library

If you’re not a Navage Patch VIP, you won’t be able to access our Freebies Library. But that can be easily fixed! Subscribe for free on the form below and become a Navage Patch VIP. Once you subscribe, a password will be sent to you in our Welcome email, and that will give you access to the VIP Lounge [Freebies Library].

Cricut Joy Giveaway – for a Joyous 2021!

Here it is folks – the Cricut Joy Giveaway – just in time for the New Year! The drawing will be held at 10pm EST on Sunday, January 31. Subscribe to our email list below for one entry, to our YouTube channel for a second entry, follow us on Pinterest for a third entry, and pin the image below for a fourth entry.

If you are already subscribed to our email list or social channels, you will need to do so again below to be entered. But don’t worry – you won’t receive duplicate emails from us!

Open to residents of the US and Canada only.

Congratulations to Dorothea Chaffin of Missouri! Enjoy your Cricut Joy!

Share it on Pinterest & Facebook!

Free Star Wars SVGs -
Free Star Wars SVGs -

Love free SVGs?

Check out our guide on Where to Find the BEST Free SVG Files!

read more
Free SVG Cut Files and How To Find The Best SVG Designs |

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    1. Thank you for the free files and project ideas. I am disabled and can’t get out very often. These are so welcome!!!

      1. Thank you Greg. I’ve entered. I read the link about the Joy. I have a Silhouette but the Joy is probably all I need. I hope you’re all loving Atlanta. I live halfway between Atlanta and Birmingham. There are all sorts of wonderful places to visit within 4 hours or so of Atlanta. Best wishes to all of you! I promise, I’m really Southern but don’t say “y’all” very often.

    1. Hi Dana, please try to re-enter. If it doesn’t allow you, then your first entry was taken. If it does allow you, then you’re all set! 🙂

  1. Hi!!

    Those SVG prints look amazing. Just wanted you to know that I bought the Stud Finder and laser level you showed in your last post and love them both. They made hanging up a large and heavy picture a lot easier for this almost 70 year old woman to Hank. Thanks for all your tips and projects!!

    Mona Kennedy

  2. Super cute Star Wars stickers. Hope I win the Cricut! Then I can print them out. Thank you for this opportunity. Love your page and crafts.

    1. As always ~ Y’ALL ROCK!
      Yep I entered! Welcome to the south! I am a born and raised true South Carolina girl!
      Thank y’all for the awesome stuff you send our way!!???‍??

  3. Ohhhh I love this!! I did all the things! Also, my sons room is Star Wars so the pillow is needed!! Thank you!!

  4. thanks for the opportunity to win a cricut!! enjoy your posts and especially the journey you and your family have been on. thanks for all the posts!!

  5. Thanks so much for the chance to win one of these and an extra thank you for allowing Canada to be part of the draw—we usually get US only draws and it gets frustrating. I really would like to win–thanks again 😀

    1. You’re welcome, Sharon! Usually people don’t like to spend the extra $$$ to ship North, but we love our Canadian neighbors, so we don’t mind! Good luck to you! 🙂

  6. I LOVE your creativity and your generosity with your work!
    Excited for the Cricut giveaway. Nice way to start the new year out!
    Thanks for the fun!

  7. Bought my daughter a Cricut Joy for Christmas with your recommendation. Winner Winner! Plus…………..This is the way. What way? I have spoken. ??? Love it! Need that on MY coffee mug!! That is all.???

  8. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity! One question, I posted the picture to Pinterest but I am unable to get it to accept it, am I doing something wrong? The other three were perfect.

  9. Love looking for ideas on your site. Your wife is very talented and so are you. She is lucky to have such a handy man to turn to. Have never had a cricut but you guys make me want to have one to craft with. Thanks for the inspirations

  10. Thank U 4 this wonderful giveaway opportunity
    T0day Is A Good Day To Have A Good Day. Enjoy it & embrace it

  11. I never win anything… maybe my luck will change this year! The second day of January I was struck by another car and I had COVID not once or twice but three times over the last year. Let’s pray this is my year! Fingers crossed!

  12. I hope I win! I don’t have a Cricut but my sister showed me her’s over the holidays and I am so jealous! I hope all of my entries went through! Thanks for doing this giveaway, and I LOVE all the Star Wars designs. My kids are begging me to use them all!lol!

  13. I too love Star Wars and the Force! I think you missed one incredible design- BOBA TEA!! I mean, it practically made itself! Lol!

  14. I have now followed you guys everywhere! (That doesn’t sound good, does it?) I even signed up for MeWe just to follow you. I love your story. I spent nearly half a work day reading about your amazing love story. You both give me so much hope! Thanks for the chance to win a Cricut Joy and for the Star Wars SVGs. This Grogu girl is very thankful! Happy 2021!

    1. Awww, thank you so much, Nicole! You’ve reminded me I need to step up our MeWe game – we’re getting more and more subscribers there! Facebook is great and all, but usually when I post, only a handful of our followers see it because I’m not paying FAcebook to promote it. Ugh! Let’s hope MeWe works a little better!

  15. Thank you for this fun chance. I’ve been wanting any kind of cricut for years! My teenage daughters would have a blast. Have an awesome evening

  16. Dreaming of a Cricut Joy for me! My sister and I each want one – someone will have to break down and buy it!
    I also couldn’t get my Pinterest pin to register – I think I’ve pinned it 4 times now!

  17. Oh my goodness! These are awesome! Thank you for the chance to win the Joy too! May the force be with me.,.. LOL!

    1. I kept getting that message to but after touching the pinterest place on the entry for after about 15 times it finally let me pin and follow.

  18. Baby Yoda, I love him and Dobbie from Harry Potter though I’ve never watched Star Wars nor Harry Potter. These are two things I would truly own if they were real and you could have them ……LOL.

  19. I just downloaded your Star Wars SVG’s and planned on sitting here waiting for hours for it to download. But it took less then a minute. Don’t know what is different but I love it! Keep up the good work and the humor you make my day when I get one of your posts.

  20. Your posts are so fun to read. Great sense of humour. The ideas you have are right up my alley. Can’t wait to check my email every day!

  21. Thank you for this opportunity! I never win anything but thought I’d go for all 4 entries. It won’t let me pin on Pinterest using that button. I have pinned it 3 other times using other ways. I hope that will count as the 4th entry. Thank you again for this opportunity!

  22. Hello, I have downloaded the svgs into my google drive but I can’t figure out how to get them into Design Space. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1. Hi Rachel, you need to download the SVG files to your phone or computer, because Design Space can only connect to your phone or to your computer.
      To upload the SVGs to Design Space, open a new project and click on “Upload”. Then on the next view, click on “Upload Image” and select the SVG file which you downloaded to your phone or to your computer. Next, click “Save” and you should be able to add that SVG to your project.
      If you’re still having trouble with this, Greg will be issuing a “How To” tutorial on this very topic next week, so be on the look out for that tutorial.

  23. Awesome! Thanks for the post and the chance to win this. I am already happy with the free Star Wars SVG’s as alum we are true Star Wars Nerds out here 🙂

  24. Thanks for offering this to everyone! I see what awesome things you can do with the Cricut Joy, but just haven’t taken that step yet! 🙂

  25. hi I love star wars but I cannot have access to the library and I have not the password, you can help me please,

    thank you

  26. Hi ,I’ve been following you on your honey -do adventures, for just about 5 years now. and have to say I Love all her bright ideas and your completely charming way of reconsiling your martini time to be the sweetest hubbunny of all times . I just wanted to say how cute y’all are and how very blessed you are to have one another. Im going to speak for all your followers, when I say, how thankfull we all are that you share a bit if your selves and all your creative wizardry. Blessing always and thanks for all you both do. I’m gonna creep back into the wood work now lol… Stay wicked awesome!

    1. Oh wow, thank you so much for this beautiful comment, Catherine! Please don’t fade back into the woodwork -we’d love to hear from you regularly! 🙂

  27. Greg and Hanan, thanks for all the sharing you guys do. I know it is a lot of work to bring us these, but truly appreciate you guys.
    Can you tell me what kind of coffee tumblers you used and what brand vinyl?
    Keep your eyes to the skies!

  28. I just love every thing you do!

    I tried entering, but when I clicked on your giveaway button to follow you on Pinterest it said the “board is not found, “ although when I did a Pinterest search, I found and followed you just fine. I think something might be wrong with the link. Just thought I should mention it.

    Thank you for inspiring me and adding to my list!

  29. Txs for the opportunity to win this “joy” ?. The only option that failed was following on Pinterest. When I clicked that option, I got an error that the board doesn’t exist! Glad you made it so easy to just go through each option for entry in a list form… boom boom done (but for 1 lol). Good luck to all! PS: We’re loving the South too! I was in Suwannee in fact half an hour ago and I never pass by without telling my husband you guys live there ?. I keep telling him how you’ve turned your home into a beautiful place. We were in fact going around looking at new homes and/land to build. Txs again for the beautiful Star Wars images!

    1. Hi Rupa, you’re so welcome! Don’t worry, I checked and verified that you are entered 4 times, so you’re all set. That’s so cool that you were in Suwanee! Are you looking to build here?

  30. I do hope and pray that I win the circuit joy. I’ve been wanting one for quite sometime now. This is the closest I’ve came to possibly getting one, so I’ll keep the faith that my name will be pulled. Why? There are a few little kids I make varies things with them, via zoom. These are little ones that has low self esteem. I choose to do this in my free time. Even if I don’t win, I still want all to know I enjoy volunteering, building up and encouraging kids.

    1. Star Wars SVGs are in the VIP Patch under the SVG-Stencils tab. Did you subscribe with the email you entered for this comment? Because I don’t see your email in our subscriber database, hence I can’t help you.

  31. What a fantastic collection of Star Wars SVGs! I can’t wait to use them for my Cricut projects! The giveaway is such an exciting bonus. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us! May the Force be with you!

  32. Thanks for sharing these amazing Star Wars SVGs! I can’t wait to use them for my Cricut projects. Also, the giveaway is such a fun bonus! May the Force be with us all!