Free Vintage Christmas Magazine Cover Printables
Hang a little nostalgia on your wall this holiday season with this collection of free vintage Christmas magazine cover printables!
Could there be a Saturday Evening Post without Norman Rockwell? Well, look, obviously there could be – and there was! The Saturday Evening Post launched 73 years before he was born! But would it have become what it did were he not there to paint so many brilliant covers?
I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. The Saturday Evening Post was obviously more than just a pretty cover, but its glory years dovetail suspiciously with Rockwell’s contributions.

For many Americans, Normal Rockwell is the essence of Americana, though in his day (and even after) he was dismissed by his contemporaries and by his critics as painting a vision of America that was too quaint, too kitsch. They complained that the life he portrayed in his paintings didn’t exist in the real world. They bitched that his talent was wasted on illustrations. And in fact, that is what they called him: an illustrator. They would say it with a sneer of the lips, as if the word itself were dirty, unclean and unfit to speak.

But unflappable Rockwell, a once-unknown 22-year-old struggling to make it as an artist in New York City until his discovery in 1916 by the Post’s editor, would simply agree with them. No one called him an artist, and that suited him just fine. Never one for fancy titles, he referred to himself as an illustrator his entire career.

They invented a name to discredit his work and those who dared mimic his style: “Rockwellesque.” It carried the meaning that anything overly quaint, anything that tried to evoke a simpler time couldn’t be taken seriously and deserved ridicule and derision instead of honest appraisal and consideration.

But who among us now doesn’t know the name “Norman Rockwell?” I wonder if anyone remembers the names of those who held his work in such low regard?

There’s an old saying I’ve never been comfortable with, because though there may be isolated cases where it’s true, overwhelmingly, it misses the mark. The saying is, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” As I said, I think it is way off base, but there is a way to make it work: “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, critique.”

All those critics who poo-pooed his work – I wonder what they would have thought (had they lived long enough to see it) when one of his later works was selected by the President of The United States to be hung outside the Oval Office in the White House.
I know Norman would have been proud, but he probably wouldn’t want a fuss made over it.

So I’ll take his Americana.
I’ll take his kitsch.
And I’ll take that quaint memory of simpler times.

But would Norman Rockwell have become who he became were it not for another Saturday Evening Post painter featured in this collection? Before Rockwell there was J.C. Leyendecker, the single biggest influence on Rockwell’s style. Looking at the Leyendecker covers in this collection, it’s easy to see the influence he had on Norman Rockwell. The two were friends, and though Rockwell’s star continued to rise through the decades, Leyendecker’s most productive years were pre-Depression.

There is one more artist featured here – Eugene Avery. He painted a few covers for The Saturday Evening Post, but information about the painter is scarce, so we must appreciate the work without knowledge of the man.

The Christmas season is starting to heat up around here (and because we’re in Florida, I do mean that figuratively and literally). We’ve got lots in store for you guys – both crafts and printables, and we can’t wait to get cracking!

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!
Free Vintage Christmas Magazine Cover Printables
We designed these 11 free vintage Christmas magazine cover printables in two sizes: 11×14 inch, and 16×20 inch JPGs. As all our JPG files are high resolution, you can scale them up or down as necessary. 16×20 inch scales down to 12×15 / 8×10 / 4×5 inches with no problems. If you need help with scaling down these printables so you can print them on your home printer, then make sure you check out Handan’s “How To Easily Resize Pictures” post.
Note: If you don’t have a large format printer like the Canon i8720 Printer (prints up to 13×19 inches) and are wondering the best place to get these large printables printed bigger than 8×12, we recommend trying Staples in your area or Amazon print shop. Both stores offer custom-sized prints on matte or glossy paper, and they both cost about the same. Staples also offers Engineering Prints, which are really affordable for large-format prints, but in some areas (like ours), they must be ordered from their online print shop.
Now it’s time to click on the button below to download today’s free vintage Christmas magazine cover printables – you’ll find them under the “Christmas” section of TNP VIP Lounge.
If you’re not a Navage Patch VIP, you won’t be able to access our Freebies Library. But that can be easily fixed! Subscribe for free on the form below and become a Navage Patch VIP. Once you subscribe, a password will be sent to you in our Welcome email, and that will give you access to TNP VIP Lounge [Freebies Library].
Hey, if you like Christmas as much as we do, don’t miss our other Christmas printables collections!
Free Watercolor Christmas Printables
Free Watercolor Winter Woodland Printables
Wow! These are perfect and I love Norman Rockwell. Wonder what these same critics think of some of today’s artists? But never mind. Thanks to you and Handan for adding these to the library. I can’t wait to have a couple printed as Norman Rockwell Christmas pictures are the icing on the cake for decorating.
Thank you so much, Barb! I’m so happy you like them. Once you have them hung in your home, take a pic and tag us on Instagram! 🙂
Could you please add the wonderfully heart warming Thanksgiving image also? I love that one and would love to make a print of it to hang in my dinning room this year. Thanks in advance! P.S. I love all of your projects they are so inspiring! Keep up the great work!
I will put in a request with Handan!
Thanks for sharing these iconic illustrations! What a Brilliant Talent he was! I am certain that the critics roll in their cold Stoney graves as generations now extols his talents! Wondering- if I take these to print at Staples, do they require copyright permission? Just thought they maybe weren’t public domain and might cause some issues? Thanks again for sharing these with us!
It is our pleasure, Laura! The copyright issues around some of these old publications can be murky, but you should be okay getting these printed. It really depends on who’s working at each Staples or Office Depot and how they feel like interpreting copyright law on that day. Some of our readers have even run into trouble getting our Star Wars blueprints printed, and that is our artwork based off of non-copyrighted patent drawings!
Thank you so much! These bring back so many memories. As a little kid I use to cut the front pages off the Saturday Evening Post and hang them in my bedroom over my bed. Rockwell depicted a family life I so wanted in my own family. He filled me with hope of what life could be.
You’re welcome, Lynnette. I think he did that for a lot of people, and that’s why his work is so beloved.
What a wonderful post, Greg! Illustration is an art unto itself! I collect children’s books from that golden age of illustration in the early to mid twentieth century. Thank you!
Hi Derry, so great to hear from you again! I agree – it is absolutely art. Rockwell knew it, I’m sure, but he was always humble enough to give himself the “lesser” title of illustrator. Beautiful works he left behind.
Thanks so much for these beautiful illustrations. I have always loved his work and you guys did a great job of choosing a great set. Thanks for all you do for us and may you have a blessed holiday season and new year. Sharon
Thank you so much, Sharon, I’m so happy you like them! 🙂
Oh, THANK YOU for sharing these. Norman Rockwell is probably my favorite artist, yes I said ARTIST. My parents were depression era people and my mother passed her love of Rockwell’s charming style on to me. I can’t wait to incorporate these into our holiday decor this year. Blessings to you and Handan for a beautiful Christmas season
Thank you so much, Toni! Our blessings to you as well! 🙂
These are amazing, just love all the Printables but specially love the 1st one, it is soo good, thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Christina! 🙂
I ADORE Norman Rockwell! Thank you so much for these prints.
You’re so very welcome, Anne! 🙂
These are just the thing for my mantle this year… a little nostalgia and a lot of charm! Thank you for all of the amazing decor ideas you share!
You’re so very welcome, Amy! I’m happy you like them! 🙂
Hey……thank you for that bit of history. That was an interesting read.
Oh, and for his work.
My pleasure, Kathy!