Laundry Room Vintage Patent Prints
Our FREE printable Vintage Patent Prints will bring style and beauty to your laundry room and make those piles of clothing a little less intimidating!
Washing clothes, drying clothes, ironing clothes, folding clothes. As far as chores go, these are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Together they unite and form the terrible beast we call “Laundry.”
Laundry has plagued mankind for thousands of years, and if you think you have it bad in 2018 – Sister, you should have seen how it was done when papyrus was considered high tech!
Oh, and before you berate me for saying “mankind” instead of “womankind” when it comes to the odious task of laundry, I’ll point out that in many countries, men have shared (and continue to share) equally in the misery. Here is a picture of a makwagi – an Egyptian ironing man. Yes, he’s ironing with his feet. Does your husband do that for you?

Let’s move on to the printables. Today we’re going to celebrate both the history of Laundry and those who do battle with it by offering you a wonderful selection of laundry room vintage patent prints. So the next time you’re stuffing bushels of smelly socks and chocolate-stained T-shirts into your electric washing machine, you can look up at your wall and say, “Hey this isn’t so bad! I have it pretty good!”
This warm and fuzzy feeling will last exactly 3 seconds, and then you will go back to cursing your children and husband for the untidy slobs they are.
Let’s start with the laundry basket, because you can’t do laundry without first transporting your load of crusty duds to the laundry room. It’s hard to believe that something as simple as a laundry basket could receive a patent. I’m thinking the handles were avant garde at the time and really helped to push laundry basket technology into the 20th century.

Now, you may be thinking, “Laundry basket technology? There’s no technology in a basket!”
To which I would counter: Madam, I have seen my son stow a full month of dirty clothing in one laundry basket. If that isn’t high technology, then it is surely some sort of teenage devilry. It’s like a room that’s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It warps the brain.
Our next inventor is part of an elite group of men who sought to ease the back-breaking labor of washing dirty clothing. Though Alva J Fisher is generally credited with inventing the modern electric washing machine, scores before him had devised various mechanical methods for cleaning clothes. One of them was a man named Pickel, and our next laundry room vintage patent print pays homage to his beautiful creation.

Say it with me, now: “Thank you, Mr. Pickel!”
Okay, so your load of laundry is done. Time to toss it in the dryer, right?
Not so fast, Missy! If you were just a little older, you might remember the days when there was a step between washing and drying.
It was called “wringing,” and it had nothing to do with what most wives wanted to do to their husbands’ necks on laundry day.

Faced with a laundry basket full of wrung-out dungarees and unmentionables, our wash jockies had a couple of choices. The old standby was the clothesline. Simple and efficient, it had been the fashionable way to dry clothes for centuries. In fact, it still is for many people. All you need is a rope and one of these little inventions:

Oh, but I forgot! You’re avant garde! The old ways won’t do for you, Madam! You want the very latest in clothes-drying technology! Very well, then you may hang your hosiery on one of these:

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!
And now your clothes are dry. Huzzah! It’s time to break out the bathtub gin, right?
Not so fast, Launderella! Those unsightly wrinkles won’t do! What will they think of you and your family if they see you strolling through the town green in rumpled clothing?
Tongues will wag, Madam. Tongues will wag and cluck.
To keep your high stature in society, you’ll need to press those wrinkles out, and what better way than with a sad iron.

They called it a sad iron because of how it made you feel when you used it.
Why the hell am I doing this?
I never get any help around here!
Bring me my wringer! I know of a few necks that’ll be needing it!
Nah, I’m kidding. It was called a “solid iron,” but the pronunciation was shortened over time to “sad.”
Still, I can’t imagine many other emotions winning out when faced with a mountain of rumpled rompers and a scalding-hot sad iron.

Okay, that’s it for our free laundry room vintage patent prints. We hope you like them!
Stay tuned, because next we’ll be giving you some awesome (and free!) Ballard-Designs-inspired laundry room wall art which will knock you out of your knickers!
So ladies, on a parting note, the next time your sofa sprout groans when you ask for a little well-deserved help in the laundry room, just whisper “makwagi” in his ear and drop a hot sad iron in his lap. He’ll get up in a flash – I promise.
As usual some generic information on today’s printables: Handan designed these 6 free printable laundry room patent art in two sizes and three colors, so there are 36 total printables. All will fit into a 16×20 inch frame or a 24×36 poster frame, though you may scale them up or down as necessary. 24×36 inch scales down easily to 20×30 / 16×24 / 12×18 / 8×12 / 4×6 inches, and 16×20 inch scales down to 12×15 / 8×10 / 4×5 inches with no problems. If you need help with scaling down these printables so you can print them using your home printer, then make sure you check out Handan’s “How To Easily Resize Pictures” post.
Note: If you don’t have a large format printer like the Canon i8720 Printer (prints up to 13×19 inches) and are wondering the best place to get these large printables printed bigger than 8×12, we recommend trying Staples in your area or Amazon print shop. Both stores offer custom-sized prints on matte or glossy paper, and they both cost about the same. Staples also offers Engineering Prints, which are really affordable for large-format prints, but in some areas (like ours), they must be ordered from their online print shop.
Now it’s time to click on the button below to download today’s free laundry room vintage patent prints – they are all in the Patent Art section of The VIP Patch.
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These are great. I’m 74 and actually learned to iron using a sad iron. We had moved back to a very rural area of Missouri where my parents had grown up right after WWII and rural electric was just being run in to that part of the country. We had a wood burning cook stove on which the irons were heated…the handle could be removed so you could always have another iron heating…and Mom believed in starting us early, so at five years old I ironed my Dad’s handkerchiefs and our pillow cases using a sad iron. I think that stopped, not when we finally got electricity, but the day the heavy iron flipped and I burned my forearm on the side of the iron pretty badly. No, we didn’t go to the doctor, but I had a discolored patch there for years that would show up whenever my skin in that area was exposed to hot water or other heat.
Wow, Teddee, how times have changed! As the chef in this family, I marvel at the skill of cooking on a wood stove. It’s a far cry from turning a knob! Thanks for sharing your story!
My Daddy said that after his Mother got a gas stove she never could cook as well as she did in the wood stove. And she said that her mother could never cook as well on a wood stove as she had over a fireplace!
I guess you had to pay closer attention with fire and wood and that increased focus resulted in better food!
I love your patents! So excited about having them printed and set up in my new laundry room!
Thank you, Carrie! More laundry room prints coming this week!
Speaking of the wringer. I remember going to the basement to put the clothes thru the wringer and my arm got tangled in the clothes and my arm was up to my elbow thru the wringer by the time my mother came down the steps to see how I was doing with the wash. She had just had my sister a few weeks prior and I was suppose to be helping her. She came running and pulled my arm back out, all I could do was stand there with my mouth open!!!! MEMORIES
LOL, it’s amazing anyone survived childhood back then! While researching this post, I read about another lovely machine called a Mangler. That sounds like fun!
Gorgeous prints! Thank you both! 🙂
Thank you, Claudine, and you are so very welcome!
Thank you, I’ve been waiting patiently for these, and I love them!
I’m so happy you like them, Junette! Be on the lookout for even more Laundry printables later this week!