Free Printable Vintage Santa Gift Tags
These 36 free printable vintage Santa gift tags are perfect for those feeling nostalgic for the magic of Christmas Past.
Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t hold any more surprises, I’m here to toss another one your way.
You ready?
Look, you better sit down, because I’m going to turn one of your childhood certainties on its ear, okay?
Alright then. Let’s carry on.

You, your kids and your grandkids are all wrong. And who can blame you?
You were lied to.
It’s all a bunch of hooey! (But you probably suspected it.)
Just face the facts, madam.
Santa Claus is not from the North Pole.
But like I said, you probably started to suspect that when your age crept into the double digits, and you realized the North Pole is a geographical wasteland of ice and water.
That was about the time you learned that his real name was Saint Nicholas, and you’re pretty sure he was German or something, because of the whole Claus/Klauss thing. Isn’t that what Betty Sue told you on the swing set in the 5th grade?
Well, look – Betty Sue was wrong, and you’ve been living a lie for far too long, so let me set the record straight.

Here it is:
Santa Claus (or Saint Nicholas) hails from Turkey (yes, Turkey!), a mere stone’s throw (well, about 80 miles by modern road, to be exact) from where Handan was born. Of course, it wasn’t know as “Turkey” back then – in fact it was Ancient Greece – but that’s just semantics.
Yep, far from the snowy wonderland we’ve all been force-fed over the years, good ol’ Saint Nick spent his youth scampering on the warm and sunny shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
Now, to add fuel to this fiery Christmas Controversy, the Turks have recently called into question the final resting place of ol’ Saint Nick’s bones.
In the year 1087, Santa’s bones were laid up in Myra (then, a part of Greece, now, Demre, Turkey). Ol’ Nick had been reduced to bones for almost 700 years, and he may have remained in that place for another 700, were it not for a surprise invasion by a marauding band of Seljuk Turks.
Worried that Saint Nick’s mortal remains may come to harm, a group of Italian merchants absconded with the old bones and hightailed it to Bari, Italy before the invading Turks were any the wiser.
And for the past thousand years, we’ve all thought that our beloved Santa Claus has been resting peacefully in Italy.
Or has he?
Recently, a team of Turkish archaeologists has discovered an intact tomb underneath the Church of Saint Nicholas in Demre, Turkey – the same region in which he was born!
Okay, whatever – it’s just a tomb, right? Who knows what’s inside!
True, madam – but there’s more!
The Turkish archaeologists also claim to have found original manuscripts that speak of the bones hauled away to Italy as belonging to another priest!
OMG! If only Geraldo and Jerry Springer were there to document the reactions!
Of course, the Italians did not like this “discovery” one bit, no siree!
And now we have a cross-Mediterranean feud over the bones of Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick.

So, there can be only one set of bones.
Someone is right, and someone is wrong.
Where do you think Santa’s bones are buried? Italy or Turkey.
I’m married to a Turk, so I’m casting my lot with the Turks. Besides, they need a break. Their history has been borrowed, robbed and stolen by their neighbors for thousands of years.
It’s time Turkey had its moment in the sun.
Well, Turkish bones aside, we hope you enjoy our free printable vintage Santa Claus gift tags! May they adorn all the gifts you hoped to buy for all those you love this Christmas season.
Free Printable Vintage Santa Gift Tags
Now it’s time to click on the button below to download the free printable vintage Santa gift tags and get on with your gift wrapping! Please remember we have 6 sets of vintage Santa gift tags which are designed as PDF and to fit 8.5×11 inch paper. But you should also be able to print it on A4 size paper by selecting the “scale to fit” setting on your printer. You’ll find these Santa gift tags under the “Christmas” section of The VIP Patch.
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It was so funny that the 5th grade girls name was Betty Sue. That was my dear Mother-in-laws name. You know, I still believe in (the Spirit of) Christmas. I love these tags! Thank you.
LOL, that is funny, Deborah! I’m glad you like them! đŸ™‚
Thank you! I love your ideas and printables.
Thank you, Cindy!
aww Greg, now you’ve spoilt it – for the past xx years (not saying how many) I have been putting out my sherry and mince pies – plus an apple for Rudolph (because when my daughter was about 5 she put her hands on her hips and told me very definitely that ‘Rudolph was fed up to the back teeth of carrots’ LOL) and now you tell me SANTA’S NOT REAL and he doesn’t come from the NORTH POLE!!! I am gutted!
Love the santa tags đŸ™‚ x
LOLOLOL! Thanks, Jayne! đŸ˜€
I can’t access your Santa gift tags to print
Hi Mary, you can go directly to the VIP Patch via this link –>
The current password can be found at the top of the last email we sent. If you’re still having trouble, please email me at
You mean to tell me that St. “Santa” Nicholas is DEAD!? Well there goes my childhood, right down the drain. It was bad enough that the fat, judgmental jerk in the red suit never brought me a pony, but thanks to you I now know why. I don’t know if I need to end my therapy sessions, or increase them! Thanks a lot.
Adorable tags. I need to buy a new printer (mine recently died). Would you recommend splurging for a laser printer over an ink jet one? And if so, any brand you’d recommend?
Thank you!
LOLOL! Thanks, Steph! Ah, okay! On the subject of printers…if you really want the best one for printables, photos and art, I would recommend an inkjet over a laser printer. Laser is good for printing reams of documents. Inkjet excels for photos and art. If you can afford it, I’d recommend getting a large-format printer that can print up to 13×19. The Canon we have and love is no longer made, and used ones almost double what we paid, so unfortunately, I can’t recommend it anymore. But have a look here on Amazon as a starting point:
Stephanie, I found the one we have on Amazon. Canon increased the price of it by $60, but it still is one of the best out there – especially for the size and quality prints it gives.
Here is the link for it:
I LOVE this post and the tags! I collect Santas, but I’m picky! Old world and vintage are my favorite. I found a couple of primitive ones last year! Even have some fun ones – Lego, springy! I’ve read the story of Santa that you shared and have several Christmas storybooks! Love it all – keep believing in the magic! Especially now. Blessings, Elizabeth
Oh, then you’re in for a treat! We’ve got more vintage coming your way real soon! đŸ™‚
When I asked if Santa was real, my father told me that he (Santa, not my dad) was a spirit. Being raised a catholic I assumed he meant that Santa was like the Holy Spirit and therefore a ghost so you haven’t ruined anything for me! I did find your post very interesting and since I have only ever learned Canadian and British history with a bit of US (thank you tv) I would love to hear more about Turkish history. Perhaps you could start another blog or add a new section to this one. You aren’t busy are you?
Oh, man! There’s probably more history in that little piece of land than anywhere else on Earth!
Hi there, I’m alittle late to the party, but I just wanted to share the tags I made to gin in my gifts! They came out great! I had an old Brad kit from my scrapbooking days added some twine and Wah Lah!! Love your blog!! I am not sure how can post a pic… I guess on one of the social media’s?
Hi Diane, I’d love to see them! Send a pic to đŸ™‚
Hi Greg, I have subscribed to web page several times but I have not received the email for me to create a password so that I can access the free library. I would really like to print the vintage Santa Tags. I love your blog and follow you often. i hope you can assist. my email is Thank you in advance.
I love y our printables and svgs but even in the library i can not get anything downloaded. Whats the secret? I enter the password and scroll everywhere and do not see a download button.