Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal

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Our Florida kitchen remodel is finally (almost) finished! Well, it’s close enough for a reveal (and there will be another reveal soon!)

Well, chalk this one up in the over-budget-and-late column! What was supposed to finish on my babes’ birthday in mid-April dragged out until late June.

And we’re still not finished.

But that part is on me.

I have to remove 6 ceiling can lights, repair the ceiling, install 10 new can lights in new positions, hang two huge Moroccan brass pendant lights over the island, two sconces flanking the range hood and then paint the ceiling. I’m sharing this mini-reveal with you today because I know so many of you have been patiently waiting…as have we.

And waiting.

And waiting.

The cabinets were delivered on time, but the installation uncovered problem after problem after problem that needed to be resolved either through re-installation, re-fabrication or re-order of hardware.

It took a couple of months longer than we wanted, but the contractor portion of the remodel is finished, and my new kitchen is fully operational if not fully finished!

Here is the canvas we started with.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

And here is where Handan’s vision has brought us:

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

From this:

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

To this:

At the heart of this kitchen sits my new ZLINE Autograph Series 36-inch gas range.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

It is a gorgeous addition to the kitchen and a joy to cook on. I had a 48-inch ZLINE in our Georgia home but without the gold accents. I enjoyed it, but unfortunately I didn’t know how to tune the burners back then, so it always ran too hot. This time around, I learned how to do all the right things, and the range works perfectly!

Above the range nestled in the range hood I built is a ZLINE vent that sucks more air than a politician between sentences.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

I will be adding sconces to either side of the hood, and I’ll be giving the hood an interesting treatment which you’ll see in an upcoming post!

The backsplash is the same stone we used for the countertops – scorpius white quartzite. We got 3 matched slabs for this kitchen, and each of the 3 slabs were initially already reserved by other people when we saw them in the stone yard. Through a combination of begging and luck, all 3 decided to release their reservations, which allowed us to secure this magnificent stone for our kitchen. When it’s meant to be, it’s going to be!

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

We chose the island cabinets so they would counter the white of the surrounding cabinets, countertops and floor. I love how the wood and white work together.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

We’re trying out a touchless faucet – so far, so good despite all the warnings we’ve received on social media!

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

And as with Georgia, we also added a pot filler. For some reason, I’m using this one much more often than the one I had in Georgia.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

On the far wall, I have a Samsung oven/microwave combo and a Samsung bespoke fridge. I love both, and we’ve had no issues with ice as has been warned by many.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

This is the beverage center – coffee, tea and soda.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

I will be adding a backsplash and shelf to the wall when I get around to finishing the lighting.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

As much as we loved our Georgia kitchen, we love this one even more. Handan took the lessons she learned designing that first one and applied them here to make this one that much better.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

It’s so clean and bright – an entirely different feel than before.

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

I’ll be posting about those pantry doors soon!

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

Fresh pears from my neighbor’s tree!

Florida Kitchen Remodel Reveal by TheNavagePatch.com

I will have a full source list in the final reveal, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, check out our Prime Day deals on Amazon!

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  1. OMG! So beautiful! You guys keep getting better and better! Always love to read your posts- and dream…..LOL

  2. Oh it’s just beautiful.
    I just brought the same fridge. My favorite thing is the 2 different size ice cubes.

    Enjoy your new kitchen

  3. BUUUUUTIFUL!!! You are lucky duckies to have such a beautiful home!!
    Pleeeese find your brother for me!!

  4. Just gorgeous! That stone is just breathtaking. You 2 make a great team. Love tagging along in the rehab adventures 😄

  5. Wowzers!! That looks gorgeous 😍 Love how warm and inviting it feels now. No doubt, you guys will be enjoying the kitchen for many years to come!

    ….unless, you move… 🤣🤣🤣

    Have fun and enjoy yourselves!

  6. I really love your little shelf over the stove. I was discouraged by our kitchen designer when I suggested putting one above my stove. I love it for adding a little something on the blank tiled surface whereas they said it would be too much(!) How did you decide?

    Beautiful job as always!

    1. Hi Carol, we wanted that shelf from the very beginning, and when I was configuring that wall and building the range hood, I planned for it by cutting a channel in the wall. Please see this post for more details on the prep: DIY Range Hood
      When it came time for the stone guys to fabricate, they marked where the studs are and notched out the stone. Note that I reinforced the top and bottom of the channel with 2x4s. Our stone guys complimented our solution and said it was much better than what they normally do when someone asks for a stone shelf to be added (but doesn’t plan for it).

  7. Awsome work are you going to try marveling the hood just saw new tool to do that. If I was younger it would be fun to do, but in my eighties no more ladders lol. Bunny

  8. Whoooooaaaaa! I love everything about it. I wouldn’t change a thing!!!
    I must have missed the talk about the staircase that was there — did that just get closed in?
    Amazing work, as always!

  9. BE-U-T-FUL!!!! Stunning, love the brass, the two tone cabinets, the quartzite is fantastic!! Even I would love to cook in that kitchen ( and I’ve messed up instant pudding, really). Great job, love also the moved stairs!

  10. it is quite lovely. I am curious as to what you did with the stairs going up in the original picture, as well as the door on the left. That is something I would not thought of moving.

    1. There’s an earlier post about removing those stairs and door. I wouldn’t have thought of doing that, either. Really added a lot of space to the kitchen that was previously unusable!

  11. I love this kitchen make-over! Beautifully laid out, bright and the stone is amazing. But that gas oven/stove is WOW!!