printable halloween garlands

Printable Halloween Garlands

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These free printable Halloween garlands are perfect to hang above your creepy displays, across your cobwebbed windows or over your haunted mirrors!

happy halloween garland hanging across an antique mirror


As you know, Handan has a new antiqued panel mirror.

Of course, when I say “new,” I mean that in the sense that the mirror is newly in her possession.

We did not buy that mirror—perish the thought!

Nope. That mirror was built, panel-by-antiqued-panel, by a local artisan troll who toils alone in a dank and dark workshop at the very top of the very tallest hill in town.

And you may remember that I told you my babes can’t wait to start festooning her newly acquired mirror with all sorts of seasonal doodadery.  There will be Halloween garlands, Christmas banners, Easter pennants and lord knows what else.

You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that she didn’t actually want a mirror per se. I think she just wanted something pretty to hang stuff from.

It reminds me of my old college friend, Tom. He considered french fries to be nothing more than delivery vehicles for ketchup. Tom didn’t order fries to enjoy their crisp, salty, potatoey goodness. He would order them so he had a justifiable excuse to shovel ketchup into his face.

Our antiqued panel mirror is the french fry.

The garlands are the ketchup.

And my babes is in it for the ketchup.

Okay, we’ve established what the mirror is and what role it plays in our home decor. Now let’s talk a little more about today’s printable Halloween Garlands.

Going Vintage

This holiday season, The Navage Patch is rolling back the decades and going for a cozy and comfortable vintage feel. Handan’s printables are no exception.

Starting with these garlands and carrying on through our Christmas printables, we’re going a little vintage. Handan’s aim is to capture the colors, textures, images and the overall feel of decades long since passed.

Some of you have already spied one of today’s Halloween garlands in our DIY Halloween candles post

halloween garland hanging over an antique mirror

…but we’ve got two more designs for you and a couple of different background options to choose from.

So enough of my yapping. You didn’t come here for cheap talk—you came for free printables!

printable halloween garlands
printable halloween garlands
printable halloween garlands
printable halloween garlands

Enjoy your Halloween garlands, and may your October be full of bubbling cauldrons and good cackling fun!

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!

Printable Halloween Garlands

As usual, here is some information on the printables: we designed these free Halloween garlands in several colors and in two formats: PDF and JPG. As you know, PDF is not scalable, but the JPGs can be scaled up or down as necessary. If you need help with scaling these Halloween garlands, then make sure you check out Handan’s “How To Easily Resize Pictures” post.

Now it’s time to click on the button below to download today’s free printable Halloween garlands – they are all in the Halloween section of The VIP Patch.

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If you’re not a Navage Patch VIP, you won’t be able to access our Freebies Library. But that can be easily fixed! Subscribe for free on the form below and become a Navage Patch VIP. Once you subscribe, a password will be sent to you in our Welcome email, and that will give you access to The VIP Patch [Freebies Library]. 

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  1. I love your creativity and your senses of humor and willingness to share all your ideas with us! Thank you!

  2. These are so cool!! I would love to have the whole alphabet like the garland, the can be spooky but it’s kind of vintage at the same time. Y’all always have the best ideas, love it!!

  3. Oooooh thank you so much! These are awesome and go PERFECTLY with your Apothecary Jar printables! I printed all of those out last year and am working on building my collection! You guys are so creative! Thank you for sharing!

  4. I love your ideas and have incorporated several of them into our Halloween decor…thanks! Also your tutorials are the best I’ve seen.
    I have just one question…how do you store all this stuff at the end of the season? I have plastic crates for each season stored nicely in our outside shop and racked in the garage. Despite purging efforts I am running out of space and some of our decorations can’t be left in the high heat and humidity of the Gulf Coast. My husband already thinks I have a defective decorating gene…help.

  5. Hi Greg, Love these printables, but being brain dead (prevents the zombies from coming after me!), I have misplaced your Library password. Could you please send it to me! Thanx. Also, I just loved watching the young, fearless blue jay sitting on you! As a kid, I had a parakeet; whenever we let her out of the cage, she made a beeline for my mother’s gray hair; we figured it looked like a nest to her! Great video!

    1. Hi Kathy, the current password can always be found at the top of each email we send out. We changed the password today, so that’s most likely the source of your trouble. I will also email you the new password, just in case your dead brain prevents you from finding it, lol! 😀

  6. Love the garland – appreciate you sharing. I love the oversize book pages. Would I be able to edit one to make a Halloween quote?

  7. I am having SOOOOOO much trouble with being ” . . . redirected too many times”. Please, tell me what else to do other than clearing cache and cookies. Your site is so awesome but it is the ONLY one I ever receive that message from. Please, help.

    1. Hello Donna, I’m sorry you’re having “too many redirects” trouble. Here is the solution:
      Right after you get the error message, go to our home page ( and then click on The VIP Patch link from the main menu (on left-hand side of the menu) once again. That should stop the error message and let you in The VIP Patch.
      Also please keep in mind, in case you run into any other issue, you can trouble shoot the problem with the possible solutions in our Printables F.A.Q page. You can find the Printables F.A.Q page on our main menu (on the right hand side of the menu.)
      I hope this helps!

  8. Yes! If you remember I DID spy the garland printables on your Halloween candle post. I thought they were way cool. But you truly outdid yourself (as usual) with 2 extra sets of vintage/creepy Halloween goodness. You guys always have the best ideas and the most entertaining posts. Thank you so much for generously sharing your creativity – so glad I found you!