DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –

DIY Shibori Easter Eggs

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Shibori Easter eggs are a beautiful twist on classic dyed Easter Eggs. Inspired by the ancient Japanese art of Shibori, these eggs are sure to please!

Two years ago (or was it a thousand? It’s hard to tell these days) Handan roped me into writing my first Easter post. I’d managed to avoid the topic for the previous three years. Easter is just not my bag of bananas. I mean, look, not to be all complainy about it, but what exactly are we celebrating? I’m well-versed in religion, so I know the holiday is first-and-foremost about Jesus – his death and resurrection.

DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –

Okay, got it, good.

Great, even!

So why the magical rabbit? Huh? Where’d he come from? And why does he give out hollow chocolate effigies of himself? That’s a little weird isn’t it?

And what’s with all the pastel colors? Who on frog’s green earth gave the go-ahead to that? I suppose if you like pastel, then it’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

But what if (like me) you detest pastels? What if those milquetoast colors of early spring put your nerves on edge and prime the bile pump in your belly?

Stepping out in public is a riotous assault on the senses! It’s physically distressing, madam!

DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –

Where’s my Easter safe space? I demand a refuge from the horrid pastels that offend my eyeballs and churn my stomach!

But do I get one?


What do I get instead?

More Easter projects from my babes.

Nothing like a concerned and caring wife, amirite?

Anyway, we were about to launch into the obligatory Easter post of 2021 (which has become the obligatory Easter post of 2022) when Handan (whose memory runs circles around Old Oatmeal over here) remembered that back in 2019 when we shared our watercolor tattoo Easter eggs with you, we had planned to make more Easter eggs in a totally different style. Our plan was to publish that shibori Easter egg post the very next week.

But then life got in the way, and we ran out of time before Easter, so we decided we’d hold the post until 2020.

Well, you know what happened last year! Something about pandemic and Really Big move…

DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –

When Easter rolled into town last year (along with that smiling bunny), my babes was a thousand miles away in Georgia, and I was toiling away trying to pack up our old house before closing. Easter (in general) and Easter blog posts (in particular) were quite literally the farthest thing from my mind!

So far, in fact, that when this pastel season crept in like a flower-munching rabbit in the night, I had forgotten all about our plans for shibori Easter eggs. There wasn’t a shred of it left to rattle around the Great Meatball between my ears. It was like it never existed – until my babes reminded me this past weekend.

We’re trying something a little new for this post. Though there are some pics of the completed shibori Easter eggs here, there are no process pics. Instead, that’s all in the video. We actually tried a lot of different ways of coloring eggs, and we didn’t necessarily film or photograph every aspect. Most turned out meh. The shibori Easter eggs turned out great though. In one part of the video, you’ll catch a glimpse of some of the “marbled” eggs we made. Like I said – meh.

So without further ado, let’s have a look at how to make shibori Easter eggs. They’re easy. They’re fun. And they’re entirely not pastel! (Thought I did achieve a light blue on some that you may want to accuse me of being pastel, but I assure you it is not!)

DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –

DIY Shibori Easter Eggs


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DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –

Shibori Easter Egg Video Tutorial

DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –

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DIY Shibori Easter Eggs –
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  1. For this project I can see the benefit of a video, but I always get a kick out of the funny comments that have always accompanied the process photos in the past. The humor you’ve always included while explaining a project has helped make this my favorite blog! Just my two cents…

    1. Don’t worry, Lynn, we’re not moving to video only! I just didn’t have any process pics for this one – they were all in video format!

  2. Gorgeous. Period. Full Stop. Done and Done. Gathering supplies now…..
    I broke down, bought a Cricut Joy, it came last night…wish me luck. ?

  3. Cool, Japanese tie-dye! I’m with you on the whole Easter thang. Not a holiday I care to celebrate. Now Halloween, that’s where it’s at. The whole rabbit thing with Easter BTW comes from old pagan fertility/spring symbolism that those early Christians decided to merge in with their rituals to try to make their new religion more appealing to those pesky barbarian tribes they wanted to convert. Ya know, convert them to our ways and maybe they won’t invade us. Not sure about where the chocolate fits in though except we can blame the Mesoamericans for getting us hooked on that stuff..

    1. Speaking of Mesoamericans, I’ve been meaning to brew up a batch of chocolatl, but I know for a fact I’m the only one in this household that would dare try it!

  4. Being a pagan, I am not into Easter and my taste runs more towards Gothic, so I am definitely right there with you on the pastels. The blue is very pretty but I am going to try it with black food coloring and see what happens.

  5. Following your logic, what does Santa have to do with Christmas. Most of our holidays have pagan ties. Love the eggs. I’m not into pastels either

    1. Exactly my point, though I know his origins. If it has to do with Jesus, somebody somewhere snuck some magical creatures into it!

  6. The eggs are amazing, I am not an Easter person either. Dying eggs is really just a chore for me. Thank goodness my grandson is now a teenager and isn’t interested in any holiday that does not involve him receiving gifts. Yea, no baskets this year. Your eggs are absolutely gorgeous though, I think I might hollow out some eggs then die them to keep on display or give to friends. I think 4th of July eggs would be fun, some in red and some in blue.

    1. Agreed on the egg dying. It was fun when I could count my years on one hand, but even then, I only did the fun part – my mom had to do setup and cleanup, lol!

  7. Watched this with our 11 YO and he said they look like galaxies just need to add some purple (I mentioned pink and got the death stare, so I think he can relate to your pastel intolerance). He also said we’re wearing gloves ?

    Thanks for another great idea!

  8. I have been fascinated with different ways of decorating eggs since I was a child. I learned how to do the Ukrainian style pysanki but now I have arthritis in my wrists so my hands aren’t as steady as they used to be. I learned how to do the Japanese style with paper. This methodlooks easy enough. However, I think that suggesting we wear gloves while applying the dye might be helpful. Where do you find pipettes?

  9. Hilarious post. I’m SO with you on the hollow rabbits, eggs, and pastels.
    Beautiful project – thank you for posting it.

  10. The eggs and gorgeous!!! Easter eggs always reminds my SIL and me of how our MIL would make a “family Easter basket” for her sons (after they pleaded with her to just make them for the grandkids). In the basket would be candy and chocolate bunny etc. along with a hard boiled egg for each family member (her son, DIL, and 2 grandchildren). Three eggs in each basket would have names on them, the fourth egg was blank. Her Easter message really wasn’t necessary because she had already made her feelings for her DILs very clear. Sigh

    1. LOL, Bev, I’m sorry, but that made me laugh! Yeesh, talk about a not-so-subtle message, eh? HAhahahah! What can you do but shake your head and laugh?

  11. This is probably one of my most favorite crafts you have done. Thanks for this technique. Congrats on being in your new home for almost a year.

  12. omg… I never knew my ‘paper towel’ eggs had a name. we have been doing this with the kids since they were littles. They are now 44-40-33. We would dye some solid, and then the rest crinkle up paper towel, and wrap around egg, then put spoonfuls of left over dye on them and let them sit 1/2 hour. They are beautiful, not sure the purpose of mineral oil, I never used it. Thanks greg 🙂 We still do it now with the grand ‘littles’

    1. Hi Wendy, the mineral oil was added to make a different type of eggs (marbled). I just used the same ink for the shibori ones, and it worked, out, so I kept it in the “recipe.”

  13. These shibori eggs are quite striking and I assume indigo is a traditional color, but since I feel the same way you do about pastels, spring and Easter and don’t like blue either, I’m thinking I might try dark green. I have gone to just shades of green and white and cream for the most part for spring. I can easily remove any sign of eggs and rabbits after the holiday and keep most of my spring decor in place until I decide it’s time for summer. Thanks for sharing the idea and technique!

    1. Dark green would look great, Teddee! And yes, back in ancient times, that indigo blue was derived from a type of bean that was boiled until it released that color.

  14. I wonder if this can be done with the white “plastic” eggs that are sold for decoration purposes? Would the color hold? They would be great spring decorations and cute baby shower decorations (a little chick is on the way)

    1. I don’t think the ink will hold on plastic, but if you could find eggs made from something a little porous or even paint them with chalk paint, it might work!

  15. These look lovely! I’d like to give them a try, but the only eggs commercially available here are brown so I don’t think they would look as effective. If I can find some at a market sometime I will definitely seize them (gently)!