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Florida Craft Room Makeover Reveal

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Our craft room makeover is finished! Come check out our new space for creating the all goodies we share with you!

Okay, so this craft room makeover took a little longer to finish than we anticipated. But there’s a been a lot going on here since we moved in, so the delay was justified!

And lemme tell you something – I’m not sure how, but I’m pretty sure our boxes multiplied in storage! I really don’t know how it’s possible to accumulate so many crafting supplies in such a short time.

Actually, scratch that. I know damn well how it happened. First, we moved from Connecticut to Georgia, and we brought every last twig, pinecone and wreath form with us. Then we enjoyed two years in the heart of about a dozen Dollar Trees and a good smattering of Walmarts, Hobby Lobbies, Michaels and several secondhand shops. Then we temporarily moved to Jacksonville. This is where things got a little dicey.

Because although we brought our craft room with us to Florida (and expanded it), we also added to our supplies at a prodigious rate. What other outcome would you expect when there was in IKEA less than 5 minutes away? And don’t get me started on the other stores – some of which were walking distance. Of course, who’s gonna walk to a craft store? How on earth would we lug the crap wonderful discoveries back to our apartment?

So when it came time to move to Freeport, we not only had an overflowing craft room in Jacksonville, we still had cabinet after cabinet of crafting supplies back in Georgia. And don’t get me started on the boxes that haven’t been touched since Connecticut – yep we still have some of those kicking around, though at this point most of them are either filled with living room decor that we’ve outgrown or forgetton denizens of the master bathroom that have been mothballed for the past 3 presidencies.

Anyway, my point is, it took a country minute, but we’re finally finished, and ladies and gents, I don’t just have a new craft room.

Oh, no. That’s too small a term for what I have now.

I’m upgrading my terminology to suit the space.

And though I’m quite fond of The Mod Podge Mahal or The Grand Manyon, I think I’ll go with something a little more…classy.

What I now have is a craft studio.

Or since I have the mind of a 15-year-old – a craft Stud-io.

“Stud-io”…hehehe…amirite amirite? Ladies? Who’s with me?



Is this thing on?

Okay, Okay. Yeesh, tough crowd. Enough of my yapping. Let’s get on with what you really came to see…our new craft studio!

First, let’s remind ourselves of the state of affairs that the room was in when we moved.

frog room

And here’s what we have now.

Florida Craft Room Reveal - TheNavagePatch.com

And from the other side.

new craft room
Florida Craft Room Reveal - TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

Now let’s just sit back and have a look around the room.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

Penny wanted to be in the room with me for the photo shoot, and to her credit, she stayed stone-still during even the longest exposure!

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

If you’ve been following for a while, you’ll recognize most of the furniture in here from our other craft rooms. Those West Elm inspired storage towers have moved from Connecticut to Georgia to Fort Walton Beach Storage to Freeport, Florida!

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

We’ve set the room up in zones. Back by the entrance, there’s the printing zone. Across from that is my desk – the photo editing, video editing and writing zone. The middle sides of the room are devoted to storage, and the back end of the room, which I guess is technically the front of the room since it’s by the window, is the crafting zone.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

This is the heart of the room – where the crafts are created and filmed from above.

Florida Craft Room Reveal - TheNavagePatch.com

I made the crafting table from two IKEA Alex drawer units and a cheap IKEA countertop. To make it a more comfortable height, I made a spacer from plywood and screwed it onto the Alex units. It’s been a great crafting table in Georgia, Jacksonville, and now Freeport, and those drawers hold lots and lots of essential crafting tools!

For those interested, I’ve linked to some of my photography tools in the source list. Blogging seems to be a dying art thanks to Instagram and TikTok, but there may still be some looking to get in the game and wondering what gear other bloggers use.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

A room that’s all function and no form is a mirthless thing, so my babes made sure to liven things up with plenty of faux greens and little decor items. Whenever possible, we like to display our past creations, and the little scented broom gnome below is no exception!

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

Handan has spent years searching out the best-looking (but not most expensive) faux plants. We’ll have a guide for you in the coming weeks. There are amazingly realistic faux plants out there that won’t break the bank – you just need to know where to look!

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

Our Cricut collection is sprinkled throughout the room – each machine displayed with pride. Here’s the mug press.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

Explore Air 2…

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

Cricut Maker…

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

And the centerpiece – Cricut Maker 3.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

Cricut Joy and the various heat presses are stored in the cabinets flanking the window.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

In with the Cricut machines are more of my babes’ beloved baskets filled with ever more crafting supplies.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

And because I know you Nosy Nancies and Peeping Priscillas love nothing more than to stare at a man’s cabinet, I will indulge your desires with a peek into mine. Call it Craft Porn, ladies – here we go!

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

And a closeup…

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

You can bet your sweet bippies I didn’t organize these cabinets!

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

But you can stake those same sweet bippies that I’ll certainly be the one who messes them up!

So. Was it good for you?

Good. Let’s carry on.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

My babes made me these three printables.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

I love them all, but the Rumi is the best.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com


Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

This is where the real fun happens. This is where I write the words you read and process the photos you see. As much as I love building things and making crafts, this is where my heart lies. This is where my mind runs wild and free. What is inspiration? What happens in our heads when words flow from fingertips without thought? Is it magic? Is it madness? Both?

Don’t ask me – I’m just the keyboard monkey hammering away for bananas and loving every keystroke.

Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com

These are some of the tools of our trade.

If you’re not already subscribed, be sure to join the VIP Patch (it’s free!) and get access to our incredible library of free printables!

take me to your

amazing freebies library

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Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
Florida Craft Room Reveal | Craft room makeover | craft room organization ideas | How to organize a craft room | Craft room ideas | Craft studio | #TheNavagePatch | TheNavagePatch.com
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  1. Hi Greg,
    I am rarely surprised, but when I saw the “before” picture then scrolled to the picture of the new space, I was shocked and said “wwwooooowwww”! So great job! I thought I was pretty organized but nope, I’m not.
    Congrats on the beautiful new space!

  2. Jeeze you guys are AMAZING!! A year in and I have crammed shelves and still have boxes stuffed under craft tables…sooo much stuff. You give me hope. WELL DONE!!

  3. 🤩The room looks uh-may-zing!!!🤩 You guys knocked it out of the park! You are definitely going to enjoy using this space in the months ahead! Looking forward to seeing what inspires you guys next.

    Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

  4. Must be really wonderful and inspiring to come into a space like this to create. Your hard work is paying off.

  5. If I only had a room like that. You two can turn trash to treasure, it seems like in only moments. I look forward to your emails. What a fabulous job you did. I use my daughter’s spare room which will only hold a bed (Queen size) and a dresser. So, I would do anything to have a big and gorgeous room like that! Excellent makeover!!

  6. Absolutely stunning craft space. It looks like the size of an airplane hanger. Woweeeee. Enjoy it

  7. OMG – I actually gasped when I saw the first pic!!! It’s amaze-balls!!! Absolutely beautiful and now I’m green with envy.


  8. I envy your beautiful crafting (stud-io) space! It is beyond wonderful adjectives. It’s motivating me to take action in my cluttered crafting room.

  9. This is the best freakin’ craft “studio” I have ever seen. I am soooo jealous, but super excited for you!

  10. WOW – love your new craft Stud-io! Saw you have lots of my favorite crafting supply – Rub n Buff! Handan did a great job on your prints!
    With your Studio looking this fantastic, I cannot wait to see all y’all’s other room redos!

  11. Wow! Your room rocks! The storage knocks my socks off! Everything is perfection. Now go mess it up with reckless creative abandon. Looking forward to all the ideas coming out of that space!

  12. Dude! This room is so good I’m duding you! The room alone was amazing before, but what you guys have transformed it into is beautiful! I’m feeling creative just looking at it so I can only imagine how you must feeling being in there! I love it! Excellent work!

  13. Just….Wow! I can’t wait to see the creations inspired by this wonderful space! (And I particularly love the special feature on the area rug – she’s the perfect finishing touch!)

  14. I do hope blogging is not dead, because you can’t really freaking READ a freaking TikTok, instagram whatever and all that. And me likeshhhh reading. I don’t even watch the videos in posts.

    1. I’m glad you like to read, Isabel, because I’ll take writing over video any day. Unfortunately, the times we live in dictate I must do both, so I’m trying my best on the video front.

  15. I love your posts! I will never be as talented as you any way, your writing is uplifting and hilarious and your crafting is absolutely amazing. Everything about your craft room is stunning. I now realize that I will never be organized! I do love admiring your work and reading your blog though.

  16. I ditto everyone’s accolades. Now what’s next? Got those contractors lined up to banish those columns?

  17. Incredible…just crazy cool!!! What an amazing job you’al did…where are the magazine coverage?,!! KUDOS!! franki

  18. Dang! That is one sweet STUDIO. Seems to be the perfect size for the cabinets, and desks, and other furnishings. Looks magazine-quality to me. : ) Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to see what awesome creations come from that space. High-fives and fist-bumps all around!

    1. Hey Michael, yes, those cabinets fit perfectly against the sloped walls. Once I catch a break from working on other rooms in the house, I’ll be up there making!

  19. Awesome job guys! I can only dream to have a studio like that one day- for its space, supplies, and ORGANIZATION!
    Silly me, I was totally distracted by those prints. I would LOVE to have those… any chance they’re coming soon to a VIP patch near me?

    1. Thank you, Dani! The Rumi and Coelho prints are already in the VIP Patch, and if you guys want, we can issue the camera and typewriter. Let us know!

  20. Oh my thanks for the porn shots. You are too funny. It looks amazing and organized and airy. Perfect STUD-io. Can’t wait to see all your new creations.

  21. Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt! That first photo took my breath away. To have such a space. Enjoy every moment… I know I would!

  22. Fan-Freaking-Tastic. I love every square inch of your STUD-io Studio. That rug — Mama. Gorgeous. Here’s wishing you both, years of happy crafting, blogging, creating, writing, loving your lives. ❤️❤️❤️

  23. Oh. My. Gosh. I have serious craft room envy. What a wonderful space in which to create! And my husband and I certainly understand how boxes multiply in storage. It is an interesting phenomenon! Enjoy!

  24. Super job! You are blessed to have so much space to work with! you used it well, weed-hopper! Questions: I see a powerstrip on the side of the craft/photo table where did you tap into power as I also see no cord going back to the window wall – did you install a floor monument? Also, what did you put under the window (between the 2 cabinets flanking the window)?

    1. Thanks, CJ! The power cord runs across the floor to the side wall. I just unplugged it for the pics. In between the cabinets, I put my camera battery charger and spare batteries on the window sill, and three stools under the window.

  25. You needed a new word for craft room, I need a new word for jealous. Absolutely fantastic. I just moved into a new townhome and have yet to set up my craft room which will be in my garage. I now have something to aspire to.

  26. Greg, you simply cannot stop writing the blog posts…your witty wording is too good to not read. You guys did an AHmazing job…it’s like a craft haven…a craft sanctuary…the stuff dreams are made of. I do love the faux plants…hats off to Handan for finding really realistic ones! And her organizational skills! Enjoy using your new space!

    1. I certainly will enjoy it, Angie, and don’t worry – I have no plans to stop writing the blog. Video is fun and all, but for me, the written word is still king!

  27. Looks brilliant. All that space! All that storage! Though my little gardener heart weeps at all the fake plants (though I did wonder at first if they were real, so they certainly are good ones!) I’d love to have that much space WITH natural light. I would make that whole room my plant room and love every inch of space 😍 And funny you showed us the inside of the cabinets just as I said to myself “I wonder what they look like inside” 🤦‍♂️ You know us too well. Just the change between that first photo of drab green and the bright beautiful white was such a difference, but then I literally said WOW out loud at the first image of the finished room. Great job, guys!

    1. I swear, paint is 90% of the battle, Jay. I don’t know if you were with us back in our really early days of blogging, but you should see what the walls on our first house looked like…and then see what we did to them thinking we were making things better, lol! Lightening up the paint is almost always a fantastic thing.

  28. The new Craft room is stunning!
    I love the shape of the room and how you used it to create such a beautiful, functional space.
    You two are so much fun and such an inspiration..


  29. I’m sure your Babe knows but just in case you don’t, to keep faux plants dust free spray them with Lysol. It literally eats the dust.re

    1. That’s good to know, Rita. You wanna hear something funny? When we first moved into our CT house, the previous owners left an orchid in the guest bathroom. I watered that damn thing for months, even though I knew squat about how to keep an orchid alive. Well, I must have done a fantastic job, because months later, it was not only still alive, but it still had the same blooms! One day while watering, I wondered why the soil wasn’t absorbing as much as it should. Curious, I stuck my finger through the spanish moss and into the soil…except it wasn’t soil. It was plastic. The orchid was fake, and I’d been watering it all along! I think that was the first time I realized that there are some really authentic-looking faux plants out there!

  30. I love reading your blog. My daughters would like to get a cricut machine. I noticed you have quite a variety. Any suggestions on which one to get?? Since they are expensive I would like to get the one which is most useful (they are twins and 24 years old)

  31. I have to admit, I actually ‘GASPED’ when I saw the finished pictures!!! Absolutely beautiful crafting space!! And Handan’s decorating touch really inspires one to create beautiful crafts.
    Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing what comes out of this room.

  32. Beautiful studio!! Now, where are all your fabulous woodworking machines? I loved seeing your set-up in Connecticut…stealing garage space for that or do you need to build a separate shop out back??

    1. Thank you, Susan! I’ve pared down my machine collection somewhat, and their new home is in the garage – at least until we can get a shed approved and built!

  33. This one was totally worth the wait, especially with a “Penny, Canine Assistant” hanging around! I know Stud-io is the new name, but how about a fancier version: atelier? Pronounced at-till-ee-ay, not at-lee-ur. (Ah, the French just complicate everything.) Meaning “artist’s studio or workroom”, or an even better definition for a guy: WORKSHOP. Whatever it’s called, your finished version looks great.

    1. Workshop is good, especially around Christmas when I can convince myself I’m one of Santa’s elves. But during the summer, sweatshop might be a better term, lol!

  34. But those vases with the metal holders!!! What about those?!! The whole thing is just drool worthy!!

  35. My first thought was “This can’t be the same room.” Wonderful! Gorgeous! I am so envious. Can’t wait to see it in use!

  36. Wowza! It looks amazing. I would love to have a room such as this. Hope it inspires you to many, many new projects and posts.

  37. Fabulous room. Love the organized areas – I usually have what I refer to as an organized mess – but at least I know where things are .. Beautifully finished – can hardly believe the transition from what it was to what it is now..

    1. I’m all about the organized mess. I’m even more about the unorganized mess. But neither of those options fly with my babes, so neat and tidy is the way it goes! 😀