Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Pantry Makeover

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Check out our pantry makeover and learn some real handy pantry organization ideas!

On a hot and humid August Saturday last summer, I decided to clean our shed. As Barish and I were spilling its contents onto the lawn, Handan came running up with a camera and started to document the event. She later insisted I write a post about it. I fought her on that idea. Who the hell wants to read about other people cleaning out their shed?

Apparently you do.

I’ve never grasped the popularity of that post. The only sensible explanation is that you all just wanted to see my underwear. What other possible explanation could there be?

Fast forward to this spring, and my dear Handan decided to give my pantry a mini makeover for Father’s Day. There’s not a space on Earth that Handan can’t pack more efficiently than it already is, and my pantry was woefully inefficient.

She again demanded photos. She again informed me that I would write a post about it.

Folks, I’m hoping I can make lightning strike twice here. I can’t imagine reading about someone else’s pantry, but hey, what do I know? I’m just the monkey with the typewriter. Handan is the brains behind this organization (pun intended).

And ladies – because I know it’s why you read these posts, my Calvin Kleins just might make an appearance đŸ˜‰

My pantry is pretty simple: it’s a small closet space with wire shelves. Part of the space extends beyond the door and is a little harder to reach. As far as pantries go, it’s not the smallest, but it sure ain’t the biggest either. My problem has always been how to organize it properly (and keep it organized).

The full before pic was blurry, but I managed to get top half and bottom half pics. You can see that anything behind the front row is unseen and quickly forgotten on those top two shelves. That top shelf in particular held many secrets behind the bread and Nutella. Sometimes I’d find year-old cookies (bonus!), but often they’d be picked clean, save for one cookie (The Boy found the stash and slowly drained it – boo!). Sometimes I’d find green bread (science!), and sometimes I’d find hippie crap like quinoa (when the hell did I buy that…and WHY?)

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

The Tupperware shelf was the one shelf that I insisted remain organized. I’ve spent my entire life fighting Tupperware, and I finally had enough last year. It is quite literally the only thing in my life I’ve ever been successful at organizing and keeping organized for more than a week. I was rather proud of that shelf, though the configuration shown above is the modified version that Handan imposed on me after declaring my entire shelf of Tupperware “inefficient.” Maybe it was. But it was organized, and I liked it!

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

My kitchen is mine, and I like to keep it that way. I always get nervous when Handan starts snooping around my space, because it will surely lead to change, and my pantry was no exception. She took a look at it before Father’s Day and a makeover bomb went off inside her head. My pantry’s days were numbered.

Her first thought was to gut the place and have me build new shelves from scratch – wooden ones. She must have seen the look of horror on my face, so she took pity and changed her plan somewhat. We would leave the existing shelves, and she would find some slide-out shelves and caddies to add onto the existing wire. We’d also add some storage to the inside of the door – a total waste of good space in her eyes.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Her goal was not only to tidy up the pantry. That would be too easy – beneath her skills, really. No, my babes also wanted to clear my baking supplies off of the counter…

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

And she wanted to clear all of my hot sauce bottles and rice from the microwave (and get rid of the baker’s rack, to boot)…

On a hot and humid August Saturday last summer, I decided to clean our shed. As Barish and I were spilling its contents onto the lawn, Handan came running up with a camera and started to document the event. She later insisted I write a post about it. I fought her on that idea. Who the hell wants to read about other people cleaning out their shed? Apparently you do. I've never grasped the popularity of that post. The only sensible explanation is that you all just wanted to see my underwear. What other possible explanation could there be? Fast forward to this spring, and my dear Handan decided to give my pantry a mini makeover for Father's Day. There's not a space on Earth that Handan can't pack more efficiently than it already is, and my pantry was woefully inefficient. She again demanded photos. She again informed me that I would write a post about it. Folks, I'm hoping I can make lightning strike twice here. I can't imagine reading about someone else's pantry, but hey, what do I know? I'm just the monkey with the typewriter. Handan is the brains behind this organization (pun intended). And ladies - because I know it's why you read these posts, my Calvin Kleins just might make an appearance or two ;) My pantry is pretty simple: it's a small closet space with wire shelves. Part of the space extends beyond the door and is a little harder to reach. As far as pantries go, it's not the smallest, but it sure ain't the biggest either. My problem has always been how to organize it properly (and keep it organized).  The full before pic was blurry, but I managed to get top half and bottom half pics. You can see that anything behind the front row is unseen and quickly forgotten on those top two shelves. That top shelf in particular held many secrets behind the bread and Nutella. Sometimes I'd find year-old cookies (bonus!), but sometimes they'd be picked clean, save for one cookie (The Boy found the stash and slowly drained it - boo!). Sometimes I'd find green bread (science!), and sometimes I'd find hippie crap like quinoa (when the hell did I buy that...and WHY?) The Tupperware shelf was the one shelf that I insisted remain organized. I've spent my entire life fighting Tupperware, and I finally had enough last year. It is quite literally the only thing in my life I've ever been successful at organizing and keeping organized for more than a week. I was rather proud of that shelf, thought the configuration shown above is the modified version that Handan imposed on me after declaring my entire shelf of Tupperware "inefficient." Maybe it was. But it was organized, and I liked it! My kitchen is mine, and I like to keep it that way. I always get nervous when Handan starts snooping around my space, because it will surely lead to change, and my pantry was no exception. She took a look at it before Father's Day and a makeover bomb went off inside her head. My pantry's days were numbered.  Her first thought was to gut the place and have me build new shelves from scratch - wooden ones. She must have seen the look of horror on my face, so she took pity and changed her plan somewhat. We would leave the existing shelves, and she would find some pull out shelved and caddies the add onto the existing wire. We'd also add some storage to the inside of the door - a total waste of good space in her eyes.  Her goal was not only to tidy up the pantry. That would be too easy - beneath her skills, really. No, my babes also wanted to clear my baking supplies off of the counter. Oh, but about those shelves staying the same? Yeah, not really. She wanted to add two more wire shelves, which meant that we had to remove everything first and start over.

And she wanted to empty another cupboard that was filled with even more baking supplies. She wanted all of that stuff to go into the pantry. I knew she could do it. If she set her mind to it, I’ve no doubt she could engineer a way to fit our entire house inside that pantry.

Oh, but about those shelves staying the same? Yeah, not really. She wanted to add two more wire shelves, which meant that we had to remove everything first and start over.

Before that work started, she did exhaustive research on Amazon and bought a bunch of slide-out shelves that would install over the existing wire. She also bought a slide-out for the floor of the pantry. And while she was at it, she bought slide outs for another big double cabinet and slide-outs for under the sink. I will get back to those near the end of the post. Now, you may be thinking, Hey didn’t you build slide-out shelves for your kitchen last summer? Why didn’t you build these, too??

To which I answer: Madam – I enjoy flopping around in my cabinets like a dying fish about as much as you would. I’ve built my last slide-out shelf! (I hope!)

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, slide-outs. Beautiful, easy, store-bought slide outs. While we waited for the slide-outs to be delivered, we bought the wire shelving for the inside of the door. I installed it, and Handan started to fill it up.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Once she had it filled (with version 1.0 – she would go through many versions before settling on its current configuration), and once we received everything she was waiting for, we began the tear-down of the current shelves.

Somehow in all the chaos and disorder, I found time to make bacon. Priorities.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Removing the old shelves left a lot of holes. Handan decided that we would fill those holes, and then she would paint the pantry.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

She used the same pure white that we used for our guest bathroom renovation.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Installing the shelves was pretty easy. We first drew a line with a level where we wanted the shelf. I cross-marked where each support would go, careful to make sure the support would line up with a space on the wire shelf.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Then I drilled a hole for each bracket and hammered them into place.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Next, I clicked the back of the shelf into the support brackets.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

With a small level, I marked the location of the front support.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

I then drilled and hammered in the front supports.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |


Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |
Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

This was our first time installing this type of wire shelf. When we first moved into this house, we removed identical shelving from our master bedroom and guest bedroom closets and replaced it with adjustable-height wire shelving. That was a colossal pain in the butt, and my apprehension for this project stemmed from that awful memory. These shelves were infinitely easier to install.

Except, of course, when we got near the floor. That’s when I let Handan take over. Aren’t I thoughtful?

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Once we finished installing the new shelves, which were really the old shelves in different places plus two more, Handan installed the floor slide-out. This would hold my big cans of oil and gallons of vinegar and other heavy stuff. Notice in the picture below the pull-out shelves she already installed up above. I kinda forgot to take pictures of that process.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

This floor slide-out couldn’t be easier to install: just screw it into the floor (or bottom of a cabinet, if that’s how you wanna roll).

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

To make things slide easier, Handan installed some heavy-duty shelf liner.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

She then spent a considerable amount of time calculating the optimal configuration for this space. Once she had it, we thought we were done. But there was a problem (isn’t there always?). She had originally loaded a lot of heavy stuff onto the shelves inside the door, and the door started to hang crooked. It was hard to close, as it rubbed on the floor. What to do?

Fortunately, there was an easy solution! Here’s how to fix a sagging door!

Okay, the pantry makeover was complete, but before I show you how it looks now, I believe I promised you some Calvin Klein action. So here’s the bonus round.

Handan didn’t just stop with the pantry. She tackled all of the remaining cabinets that I never made slide-out shelves for (and she totally rearranged that ones that I had).

The worst cabinet was the double-door monstrosity under my bar. I had all sorts of crap piled in there, from cookware to cocktail napkins. It was so precariously stacked and crowded that I preferred to leave it alone and make do without whatever I may have needed from its bowels.

Handan found the perfect solution: two two-tier slide-out shelves that attached to the cabinet with screws to the bottom and the back. I volunteered to crawl around and install them.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |
Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |
Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Okay okay I may have exaggerated the amount of underwear I was going to show at the beginning of the post, but you’re here now, so you might as well keep reading. Anyway, a gentleman shouldn’t go around with his underwear hanging out, so I adjusted myself accordingly.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

When it was all installed, I had an organized and functional cabinet.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |
Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

These slide-outs are awesome. Almost as good as the ones I built đŸ˜‰

I’ll show you one last thing, and then we’ll get back to the pantry. After much measuring, Handan found the perfect slide-outs for under the sink. There were pipes, a garbage disposal and dishwasher lines to contend with, but she nailed it.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |
Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

For the first time ever, I can easily reach everything under the sink. It’s a miracle!

Okay, now back to the pantry. I must warn you, it’s not very exciting, unless you’re into peeking at other people’s stuff…in which case, you’ll love it! But really, as I said at the beginning of the post. It’s just a pantry. So don’t expect some WOW photos like the ones in Handan’s Waterdrop Solar Lights post, okay?

Good, now that your expectations have been tempered, let’s look at the results. Door storage? Check!

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

An overview.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

The slide-outs.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |
Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

And the floor slide-out.

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

Now, let me tell you, these last “after” photos were taken almost a month after we finished the project, and the pantry is still in perfect order! I think Handan may have given me the best gift of all and something I’ve never had: organization.

We linked to the slide-out shelves we used in the text of the post, but here is a list of everything, in case you are interested in upgrading your kitchen experience.


In the pantry:

Under the sink:

In the double-door monstrosity cabinet under my bar:

We love it when you share our posts on Facebook and Pinterest!

Pantry Makeover | DIY pantry organization ideas | How to fix a sagging door | How to install a door organizer | How to repair a crooked door | How to fix a sticking door | DIY pantry door fix | Pantry cleaning | How to install wire pantry shelves the easy way | How to make the most of a small pantry | Small pantry organization ideas | Before & After |

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  1. I hear angel choirs! What beautifully organized shelves and cabinets. But you know what my takeaway is? You have 14 bottles of dish soap?!!! That leads me to too many additional questions (my mind tends to run down rabbit holes, much like yours đŸ™‚ ). And you have a giant can of Turkish sunflower oil. Where does one obtain Turkish cans of sunflower oil in the USofA?! (you may remember that I lived in Turkey as a child, so I really am curious). But, again, love the pantry make over. So lovely and functional.

    1. LOL, you counted! But there is a good reason for all those bottles, Susan. First of all, Dawn Platinum is the only dish soap I will touch. It smells so good, I’d use it as cologne if I could. And the reason for all those little bottles is they’re cheaper than buying a big one. Handan bought me a bunch from the dollar store a while back, and then we did the math. Yep, cheaper to buy them for a dollar. Extra bonus: they take up less space on the counter behind the sink. Drawback: they take up more room under the sink.

    2. Oh, regarding the Turkish oil and all of the Turkish food – the town of West Haven, CT (about an hour from our house) has a thriving Turkish population with a couple of good Turkish restaurants and grocery stores. We take a run down there every couple of months to stock up on goodies. Handan feels right at home!

  2. Wow !!! Now thats what i call a pantry. Sighhhh wish i had a pantry ….quietly sobs . But phoarrrrr Greg those Calvin Kliens ! You trying to give this old lady a heart attack ?

  3. I don’t have a panty but the envy is real! You are one lucky man to have such an organized partner! Your pull out shelves from last year are what introduced me to your blog but the Calvins are what keep me coming back! ? Great job you two!

  4. LOVE the makeover! What I love best is that your pantry and cabinets look REAL. Most blogs show these pretty, organized cabinets, and I think “where is the food????” Or they spend a billion dollars on these glass containers, which look great but I’d rather pay the mortgage. The pull-outs are a great idea for access. Thanks for the post.

    1. Thank you, Dyan – I totally agree! In the blogging world, I’ve noticed that some homes seem to exist to be photographed and some exist to be lived in. Ours is definitely the latter!

  5. you may remember i live with my daughter her hubs and my 2 grandson 4 and 5 and they are all slobs lol, no matter what i do to organize they destroy in a hot minute, putting things away is not something any of them comprehend so as much as i love all of this and boy i do, i wouldn’t waste showing my lady hanes doing it xx

  6. Ooohhhh Greg….you wear a tool belt and cook too! Be still my heart. My hubs wears a tool belt but mostly for looks..and he cannnot cook…except for scrambled eggs! We are putting in a new kitchen,and I have a pantry with slide out shelves! And I don’t know WHERE to begin putting stuff. I have an island with 4 30 inch drawers…and I don’t know WHERE to start! I love your blog..I love what both of you do,and how well you do it. And yes,the shed post was exceptional..most of us wouldn’t know where to start! Excellent job!

    1. Thank you, Bernice! We often don’t know where to start either, so we just start, and things fall into place! đŸ™‚

  7. Mr. N. After I was revived from fainting dead away at the sight of Calvin Kleins (haven’t been privy to such skivvies since BACK TO THE FUTURE) the thought occurred to me that you are quite wrong about something. Your organizational skills are most extraordinary in this regard: words. It is probably only one commonality you share with Handan though perhaps in a different arena. Does that take anything away from the shared quality? Not in my book. And I do love books. And words. And I do keep coming back for more of your blog all the way from Kansas (a short trip on a long digital train). At any rate, your pantry and panty blog leads me to desired sites for slide out trays to help me become more organized for my better half. He craves tidy organized areas. My pantry resembles your “before” picture but will hopefully mimic the “after” picture soon. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Thank you, Pam, this is a wonderful comment! It got me to thinking about organization and why it is so hard for me. Handan did about 3 nights of online research for this project. She scoured every corner of the internet to find the exact products she ended up buying. They weren’t the first ones listed on Amazon – she looked at EVERYTHING! But now that we have them, staying organized is easy. Without her research, I would have never been able to find the right products. It’s not enough for a disorganized person for me to want to become organized. It takes either a lot of research to become so, or it takes the help of an organized person like Handan. I’m so lucky to have her! I’m hoping that her research helps you and others, too!

  8. One more thing. Please forgive me in advance. I hate nosy buttinskies but my conscience would grate me raw if I said nothing and the worst thing happened. The skivvies series of photos also revealed a dark mark on your left ankle. If it is a small tattoo or otherwise benign coloration, then please ignore this and have a wonderful day. On the other hand, if it is a large, dark mole, please suffer the kindly meant concern of this nosy buttinskies moment and give my conscience relief by telling me you and your doctor are aware of it and it has been carefully scrutinized for signs of melanoma. This coming from a stranger is uncomfortable, I am sure, but please know it is meant kindly. I will now remove my nose from your personal space ne retreat to a less of bruise distance. Thank you for tolerating my concern.

    1. Pam, no forgiveness needed! Thank you for your concern! Fortunately, it is a tattoo – one I got when I was 19 and still in college. It was a yin-yang for a short time, but it is now a dark splotch inside an oval. There used to be a defined circle within the dark half (or yin), but a day or two after I got the tattoo, I was carrying a full keg of beer down a flight of stairs with a friend of mine. My grip slipped, and I dropped by side of the keg. On its way to smashing into the stairs, it hit my ankle – directly on my new tattoo – and it tore off a piece of skin. The ink ran and my tattoo was ruined in a matter of weeks. Ah well. Makes a good story I guess.

  9. Oops! My discomfort at being nosy pushed me through the last reply too quickly and I allowed auto fill to insert some words…incorrect ones as it turns out. It should have read, remove my nose from your personal space and retreat to a less obtrusive distance. Thanks.

  10. Boy, am I glad to hear that but sorry your yin was yanked! I am sure the keg was worth it at the time. And you made lemonade with the story, another beverage but much tamer. Must be a moral to this story…Aesop would likely have said something very sage. The beer that slips sinks your yin. No. Too tame. I will leave it to you, Mr. N, to find an appropriate witticism that carries the foam of the moment without fomenting discomfort. ?

  11. Your prose when taking we readers on the trek experienced while completing your work is the best part of your blogs. You should be writing a book on your journeys. You Both are absolutely innovative when it comes to organizing – that it is an inspiration to us all!

    1. Thank you, Mike! I hope to write a book someday. I have some ideas kicking around in my head. Thanks for the show of support!