Vintage Winter Tree Printables
These free vintage winter tree printables are the perfect complement for vintage-themed Christmas decor, but they will also look fantastic on their own!
Okay, Thanksgiving is in the can, and that means it’s full steam ahead towards Christmas!
Yeah, yeah, I know. We’ve been clobbering you with Christmas since Halloween.
But now we don’t have to feel guilty about it! 😀
So while you relax today and contemplate all the dietary restrictions you threw out the window yesterday, we’d like to offer you these simple and beautiful vintage winter tree printables.

Think of them as our way of giving thanks to every single one of you, new and old, who’ve supported us through the years on our adventures in The Navage Patch.
We wouldn’t be here without you!
Did you know we almost didn’t make it to this point?
Were you aware we almost threw in the towel back in the spring of 2017?
Blog traffic was thin, and Handan and I were trying to justify the time, money and effort we were putting in.
Do you know what kept us going past that point?
You did.
Your comments did.
Without them, we are nothing.
So we carried on a little longer, buoyed by the love and support in the comments section.
And then everything changed that summer. One of our posts went viral, and we figured out how to make this blog work.
We haven’t looked back since.
It has been such a fulfilling journey, and you have been with us every step of the way.
For that, we are thankful.
For that, we are grateful.
For that, we are blessed.

Handan and I wish you all a joyous and blessed Holiday Season, and we’ll have tons of cool projects and beautiful free printables for you all month long!
Huh? What? Who’s there?
[Don’t forget to shamelessly plug your Gift Guides!]
Oh yeah! Thanks!
Hey, before you go download these vintage tree printables, why don’t you have a peek at our two gift guides:
We think you’ll like them!

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!
Vintage Winter Tree Printables
All these vintage winter tree printables are designed to fit 8.5×11 and 16×20 inch frames. The 8.5×11 inch sized printables are PDFs, so they are not scalable. But the 16×20 inch printables are JPEGs, so you can scale them down to 12×15 / 8×10 / 4×5 inches with no problems. If you need help with scaling down these printables so you can print them using your home printer, then make sure you check out Handan’s “How To Easily Resize Pictures” post.
Note: If you don’t have a large format printer like the Canon i8720 Printer (prints up to 13×19 inches) and are wondering the best place to get these large printables printed bigger than 8×12, we recommend trying Staples in your area or Amazon print shop. Both stores offer custom-sized prints on matte or glossy paper, and they both cost about the same. Staples also offers Engineering Prints, which are really affordable for large-format prints, but in some areas (like ours), they must be ordered from their online print shop.
Now it’s time to click on the button below to download today’s free vintage tree printables – you can find them all in the Vintage Illustrations or Christmas section of The VIP Patch.
If you’re not a Navage Patch VIP, you won’t be able to access our Freebies Library. But that can be easily fixed! Subscribe for free on the form below and become a Navage Patch VIP. Once you subscribe, a password will be sent to you in our Welcome email, and that will give you access to The VIP Patch [Freebies Library].
We all love you and Handan too! Happy Holidays to you, Handan and Barish.
I look forward to following you and your lovable sense of humor in 2020! Looking forward to more holiday posts.
Awww, thank you so much, Linda! We’ll have a lot more for you this holiday season, including a ton of printables coming up real soon! I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! 🙂
I really enjoy reading your blog and the projects that you post! I have learned so much in the year since I discovered it!
Happy Holidays!
Thank you, Stephanie, and hello! Thank you for commenting (we’ve been waiting for you!) 😀
Hi love your site I have subscribed got. The pass word but still can’t print the pictures ☹️
Hi Linda, I have sent a help file to your email address that will walk you through the download process. 🙂
I really enjoy your site. I’m in the process of doing the slide out shelves for the lower cabinets.
Thank you, John! Let me know how those slide-out shelves turn out!
I love your blog. I was interested in your post about the pillows and wanted to know if you have tried TAP paper. It was off the market for a while but C&T publishing has brought it back. It was I vented by Lesly Reilly who is a mixed media artist. I am in the process of making a area of the basement where I can do some crafts and am excited about trying this paper with some of your images on canvass. Have a great holiday season and very Merry New Year.
Thank you, Jennifer! We are aware of TAP paper, but we haven’t tried it yet. If you try it, please take some pics and let us know – we’d love to hear about it! Happy holidays to you and your family! 🙂
These are beautiful, thank you for sharing! Hope you& your beautiful family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thank you so much, Erin! We did have an awesome Thanksgiving with family! 🙂
I came across your wonderful site. I am so glad you didnt fold it!
Thank you, Deborah – so are we!! 🙂
I’m glad you didn’t throw in the towel! Which post went viral…the faucet dripping lights? I still love that and want to make it one of these days when I get home. Do you get revenue when your readers “X” out an ad or do we need to click on the ad to help out? We love you all and would love to help make sure that revenue stream stays strong!!
Thank you, Susan! Yep, that’s the one. And then last year it was the loop yarn winter wreath. Regarding the ads, you don’t need to do anything! Clicking doesn’t earn any more than just having it show while you’re reading the post, but Xing it out does cancel that particular ad’s teensy bit of revenue. Thank you so much for thinking of us in a revenue way, lol! 🙂
Other blogs want the ads to be closed, because that’s how they earn money for the blogger. I’m glad to know that hitting that “x” hurts your income stream, I’ll stop hitting that “x”!! I hope all your other readers are aware of that as well!!
Thank You so much for the stunning Artwork printables! They will definitely brighten up my Snow Covered World!… and your right- Christmas in Florida-really does sound appealing !
Merry Christmas !
You are so very welcome, Laura! Yep, I’d love a Florida Christmas, lol! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
The Navage Patch is the only blog I keep on my browser ribbon. This is such a great blog. From all the DIY’s to the funny blog itself, this is by far my favorite. I’m so glad I found y’all.
Awwww, thanks, Kathy! (btw, we haven’t forgotten your patent prints!) 😀
I look forward to your blog. I am 82 yrs old and I have no printer and none of my friends have one. My son is a Star Wars collector and I was wondering if you could send me the SW prints in 8X10 size so I could fix them for Christmas. I would be glad to pay for the postage if it’s possible. I am looking forward to Xmas crafts as soon as you post them. Happy thanksgiving to you all. Wish I was there to watch you cook that dinner in that gorgeous kitchen.
Hi Mary, I will email you to discuss the details. 🙂
Great tutorial! Thanks to your genius wife, and of course your awesome skills and creativity! You two are a wonderful team. I so enjoy reading your blog, and find myself laughing out loud. You should seriously consider writing a novel. In your spare time, that is!
Thank you, Tina! 🙂