Easy Halloween Treats and Snacks
These 20+ easy and delicious, sweet and savory Halloween treats are sure to impress your friends and family and keep them grabbing for more!
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
It had to come to an end sometime.
Nothing lasts forever, you know.
Not even Halloween.
And this, friends, is our last Halloween post for this year.
I know, I know. Halloween is still more than a week away.
But you know how time flows in Blogland. While the kiddies are gearing up for an epic treat run, Handan and I will be crafting for Christmas!
I’ll let you in on a little secret.
Inside our house, the changeover has already begun.
And a Christmas vignette now sits where last week there were pumpkins. We can’t wait to share with our first post of the Christmas season with you!
Now don’t get the wrong idea. We haven’t gone all humbug on Halloween! All of our outdoor Halloween decor still stands!
Our hanging ghosts still sway in the autumn breeze.
Our witch legs still greet our visitors at the door.
And Skully & Ratface still crack jokes from their cages as they keep watch over the yard.
So with Halloween in our rearview mirror and Christmas coming just ’round the bend, we wanted to share one last post that will leave a really good taste in your mouth.
Leave the store-bought candy for the hordes on Halloween night—these treats are for you, your friends and family!
Ghost Meringues
I love these ghost meringues by Smart School House – they’re like miniature versions of the ones hanging in our front yard! And you know how Handan gets around ghosts—she throws here hands in the air and makes ghostly “WOOOOoooOOOoooOOO” noises – so she would love them, too!
You can find the recipe for these cute and yummy Ghost Meringues here.

Witch Finger Pretzels
Or as I like to call them, “Wife Fingers.” đŸ˜†
Oh crap, she heard me.
You can find the recipe for these creepy Witch Finger Pretzels here.

Witch Hats
I’m sure you can figure this one out from the photo, but there’s also a recipe just in case! đŸ˜€
You can find the recipe for these super easy Witch Hats here.

Tombstone Taco Dip
Not all Halloween treats have to be sweet! This tombstone taco dip is made with genuine graveyard guacamole and cemetery salsa.
You can find the recipe for this delicious Tombstone Taco Dip here.

Chocolate Tombstone Snack Cakes
Here’s one of our favorite Halloween treats by Michael at Inspired by Charm. The graveyard never tasted so good!
You can find the recipe for these fantastic Chocolate Tombstone Snack Cakes here.

Ogre Eyes Hot Cocoa
Every time Handan sees this picture, she giggles. You know what that means, right?
Yup, I’ll be making this for her so I can hear that laughter over and over! đŸ™‚
You can find the recipe for yummy Ogre Eyes Hot Cocoa here.

Vampire Donuts
LOL, if the ogre eyes hot cocoa makes Handan giggle, these vampire donuts crack me up! It’s the eyes—they make me think of Cookie Monster!
Go ahead and look at the picture. I know in your mind you’re saying Om Nom Nom Nom!!
You can find the recipe for these super easy Vampire Donuts here.

Harvest Hash Trail Mix
Everyone knows that salty and sweet is the best combination ever! Give your trail mix a little Halloween twist this year, but don’t give it out at the door, because you’ll want to gobble it all yourself!
You can find the recipe for the Harvest Hash Trail Mix here.

Bloody Candy Apples
Not just candy apples—eye candy, too! They kinda look too good to eat!
I’m sure I could force myself. đŸ˜†
You can find the recipe for these awesome Bloody Candy Apples here.

Monster Strawberry Cupcakes
These guys take a little bit of work, but just look at the results! These monster strawberry cupcakes are perfect for a Halloween bash!
You can find the recipe for these toothy Monster Strawberry Cupcakes here.

Boo-nanas and Mandarin-O-Lanterns
Ha! The perfect way to get your kids to eat fruit! Just don’t give these out on Halloween night. You don’t want to be “that” house that gives healthy stuff instead of teeth-rotting candy! đŸ˜†
To make these Mandarin-O-Lanterns all you need is a sharpie… and of course some mandarins…or clementines…or oranges!

Or if you prefer Boo-nanas, then you’ll need some bananas.

Cheese Witch Brooms
Put a tray out at your next party, and watch them fly!
(Oh, c’mon, somebody had to say it!)
You can find the recipe for these super easy Cheese Witch Brooms here.

Breadstick Rattlers
I love these little guys, but I’d never be able to make them for Handan! Even these breadstick rattlers are too realistic for her, lol!
You can find the recipe for these delicious Breadstick Rattlers here.

Spider Cheese Balls
Here’s another winner by Inspired by Charm. We can’t get enough of Michael’s party food recipes and his incredible photography!

Rattlesnake Bite Hot Dog Appetizers
Another one I’d love to make for Handan, but I fear she’d scream like a girl and throw it back at me! đŸ˜†
You can find the recipe for these yummy Rattlesnake Bite Hot Dog Appetizers here.

Witch Hat Cone Cakes
Fill some ice cream cones with cake batter, bake them and then spray ’em black with Color Mist food color spray. The rest is just icing and a cookie!

Sticky Spider Webs
And the award for simplest Halloween treat goes to…
Just add a plastic spider ring into a bag of cotton candy and you have yourself a Sticky Spider Web!

Spider Cupcakes
LOL, the spiders are looking up at you and saying “my cupcake!”
You can find the recipe for these awesome Spider Cupcakes here.

Witch Hat Mint Chocolate Cupcakes
I’m a sucker for buttercream frosting and I can’t stop salivating over this photograph! Some days I curse the word “Keto!” But the rest of you can enjoy these minty green delights! Be sure to let me know exactly how delicious they are so I can bash my head against the wall in frustration.
You can find the recipe for these yummy Witch Hat Mint Chocolate Cupcakes here.

Gooey Monster Cookies
Inspired by Monsters University, these cookies are sure to be a hit with the little ones!
You can find the recipe for these colorful and delicious Gooey Monster Cookies here.

Chocolate and Vanilla Mummy Cupcakes
It’s the eyes! They get me every time, LOLOL!
You can find the recipe for these fun and easy Chocolate and Vanilla Mummy Cupcakes here.

Halloween Jalapeño Mummies
Oooooh, I could eat a whole pyramid full of these mummies!
You can find the recipe for these awesome Halloween Jalapeño Mummies here.

So what do you think? Which of these Halloween treats are your favorites?
For savory, it’s definitely the jalapeño mummies. Cheese, bacon, flaky crust and hot peppers? It’s heaven!
For sweet, my pick is the witch hat mint chocolate cupcakes. Frosting, people. It’s my kryptonite.
As always, if you try any of these recipes, let us know how it went and send us a picture.
I get lonely here around Halloween in the big empty house, so I need you guys to keep me company with comments and pictures!
Handan and I wish you all a spooky, tasty and safe Halloween!
We’ll see you on Thursday with an all-new post for the upcoming holiday season that we think you’re going to LOVE!
All our best,
Greg and Handan – Grand Wizard and Exalted Witch of The Navage Patch

Yummy, but sigh, not Keto friendly. Boo hoo for me. That taco graveyard is cool, but who are the people who have time to cut cats and trees out of tortillas? The same people who label everything in their pantry? Am I right?
Those mummy jalapeno poppers look tasty too. Shoot, now I am hungry and it’s still an 1-1/2 until lunch.
LOL, no kidding! I’ve ordered some keto marshmallows so I can make that ogre eye cocoa for Handan though! https://amzn.to/32HfJJu
I think I’ll have to make Mom a little something Halloween inspired at the end of the month, just for giggles. Those ogre eye marshmallows would work great in her coffee, and she loves candy floss and I just happen to have a plastic spider! ?
I saw a sign today that said 9 Friday’s Until Christmas and had a minor heart attack. How can that be?! How is it possible?! I guess this year is gonna be late-everything again! ? I always have such grand plans.
9 Fridays left? Jeez, when you put it that way, it’s giving me a panic attack, too!