DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath by

DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath

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This DIY Chinese lantern wreath works for fall, Halloween and everything in between! It’s an easy craft that looks good in any season!

I know some of you might not be ready for Halloween. And who could blame you? Most of us are char-broiling to some degree or another, and dammit, there’s still a few ticks left on the Summer Vacation Clock!

But Halloween never sleeps, madam.

Not really.

Oh, it may close its eyes and lure you into a false sense of security thinking it’s gone away until October, but it’s always there and always aware.

Always listening.

And always watching.

(Bonus points if you read that list sentence with Rose’s voice from Monsters, Inc.)

There are millions of us around the globe who refuse to let the Halloween spirit die…or even get a peaceful slumber! Millions of of us who keep the orange flame burning from November until the following October.

Mind you, we’re the tame ones of the bunch!

We can let Big H rest for a few months, but honestly, the planning kinda starts in October…for the Halloween coming a year later!

Plan, plan, plan until July, and by then my babes is like a gas can left outside in a heat wave. She’s pure energy just waiting to be released.

So to the consternation of some and the delight of many, we start our Halloween in July to give you all more than enough time to plan, buy and build.

But we know it can be a jarring transition for some. So for all you summer holdouts and skeleton deniers, I propose a truce. A peace offering. Because this DIY Chinese lantern wreath will look equally classy hanging out amongst the moldering bones of October and the crisp leaves of September.

And if you’re like us, you’ll think it looks right at home any day of the year! So let’s get to it!

DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath by

Chinese Lantern Wreath SUPPLIES LIST

Affiliate links are provided below. Full disclosure here.

We love to see our DIY Halloween decor out in the wild! If you make this Halloween DIY decor for your home, take a picture or video and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!

Chinese Lantern Wreath VIDEO Tutorial

The Chinese lantern wreath video is not yet ready, but here’s the video for the skeleton hand wreath holder.

Watch Our Tutorial On YouTube

DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath Tutorial

Step 1 – Lay the moss

man holding a black moss garland

Lay one of the black moss garlands around the wreath form and clip off the twisted wire end. While you’re at it, clip the wire end from the other garland.

man making a wreath with fake black moss

Hot glue the black moss to the wreath form here and there. I love this black Spanish moss. It’s classy and creepy enough for all occasions from weddings to baby showers!

man hot gluing black moss onto a wreath form

Lay the other garland over the first and repeat. And speaking of garlands (and weddings), I think these should be worn by brides instead of those tacky lacy things. Who’s with me?

man putting black moss on a wreath form

Step 2 – Trim the Chinese lanterns

man holding a bunch of faux chinese lantern flowers

Use wire cutters to detach the stems from their bunch.

man cutting faux flowers

Step 3 – Fill the wreath

Start filling the wreath by poking the cut end of the stems into the form.

man putting faux flowers into a wreath

Work around the form until you have a beautiful fiery wreath.

man putting faux flowers into a wreath
man putting faux flowers into a wreath
man putting faux flowers into a wreath

It’s just as easy as that! If I can do it, you can do it, so get on out there and start wreathing!

Oh, and while I was making this wreath, we came up with an idea for another wreath…

A Halloween wreath…

And it’s going to be one for the ages, so keep a wary eye peeled…

Until then, here’s our DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath enjoying some fine summer weather!

DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath by
DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath by
DIY Chinese Lantern Wreath by

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  1. I love this! But could you please check the product links? It took me to the wrong size wreath at Michael’s and the Chinese lanterns seriously cannot be a $3 bunch from Hobbylobby! The ones you had are gorgeous, I want the same ones.

    1. Hi Pamela, I fixed the wreath link, but those Hobby Lobby sprays are the same ones I used. We bought them in-store, but it’s the same product they ship. HL doesn’t have the best floral pictures on their website!

      1. Greg, I believe you do have the wrong link for the chinese lanterns, I had them shipped to me cos my Hobby Lobby is a ways away but they were awful. I made the drive to the store to return them and saw the gorgeous ones there that must be what you used. The sky for those is 5116843 $8.99 each but 40% off. Please check this out before more crafters order them. And thanks for this project!

      2. Greg, I believe you do have the wrong link for the chinese lanterns, I had them shipped to me cos my Hobby Lobby is a ways away but they were awful. I made the drive to the store to return them and saw the gorgeous ones there that must be what you used. The sku for those is 5116843 $8.99 each but 40% off. Please check this out before more crafters order them. And thanks for this project!

  2. Greg, you are seriously creative. Just a smidge of scary but those lanterns really POP on that black moss. That’s a great combo of very few items.., you could sell that for boo koo big bucks!!
    I’d buy it but thanks to you, I’ll make one, maaaaybe??? Nicely Done!!

  3. Love this–could be straight up fall without the hand, or Spooky Deluxe with the hand added. I happen to already have an armload of these Chinese Lantern stems for fall decorating (and probably a wreath form stashed someplace), so maybe it’s time for a little change-up from the usual buckets/baskets/vase arrangements. Thanks for the new idea!

  4. Help Greg, the other day I read in your post, where you sprayed your neighbor’s solar lights, that weren’t working, with a sealer, and now they work. I can’t find that post at all. Can you please help me locate it. Some of mine aren’t working and I would like to try your hack to see if I can bring some life back to my solar lights.
    Really love your blog, it’s the greatest. Maybe I should have led with that!
    Thank you, Greg!!!!

  5. Hi y’all! Greg, love the wreath!
    Ordered my supplies and cannot wait for them to arrive! I’m not making the skeleton hand wreath holder but I do love the Chinese lantern sprays and black moss.
    It was at check out that I noticed the pickup locations defaults to The Shoppes of Paradise Isle in Destin! So eyes open y’all!

  6. Greg….unrelated to this post, but I have a random question. When you did the Skelly in the bath project, did you put the Dollar Tree Candles directly into the pot with boiling water or do they need something under them? I don’t want an explosion.

    1. We put those jar candles directly into the pot of boiling water. We’ve done it at least 6 or 7 times and probably a total of 50 candles over the years with no issues.