Free Vintage Witch Printables | DIY Halloween wall decor by

Vintage Witch Printables

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These free vintage witch printables will add some whimsy to your Halloween decor this year. Available in multiple sizes in the VIP Patch.

Witches aren’t all eye-of-newt, toe-of-frog, wool-of-bat and a forked adder’s tongue, you know.

True, though nothing warms and satisfies on a cold autumn night like a steaming mug of bat-wing soup, there’s more to witches than tasty stews and tempestuous potions.

Much more.

Free Vintage Witch Printables | DIY Halloween wall decor  by

In fact, your garden variety witch would probably rather…well garden than cast spells all willy nilly about town. You never know who you might hit with a miscast spell, and a wayward love spell is almost as terrifying as a reanimation spell!

Witches take their spellcasting seriously, for what is a spell but energy? And one of the tenets of the Wicca religion is the Rule of Three. Simply put, the Rule of Three states that whatever energy you put out in the world (good or bad), you can expect to get it back threefold.

Free Vintage Witch Printables | DIY Halloween wall decor by

So witches or wiccans (in real life) are not the green-skinned, hook-nosed harpies on TV and in the movies. They’re a kinder, gentler breed primarily focused on bringing positive energy into the world.

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I think almost everyone goes through a wiccan stage at some point in their youth. It may last a day or it may endure for decades. I met my first witch when I was in high school. Her name was Kate, and she looked every bit the part: jet black hair, ivory skin that seemed to shrink from sunlight and a weird streak a mile long.

Kate was a self-proclaimed witch, and at that age, I just thought she was a bit of a loon. But she was a nice loon and she was nice to me, so I gave her and her religion a shrug. Hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

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A couple of years later, I was driving back to college from summer break. As I passed through Rutland, Vermont heading north on Route 7 towards Middlebury, I passed a shop that had a witchy vibe. Without thinking, I pulled off the road and into the parking lot.

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The shop was a revelation! The inside was dark and smelled of a thousand exotic spices and oils. The walls and ceiling were covered in tapestries of every color and infinite pattern. Shelves were filled with objects whose meaning and purpose were beyond my divination. There were books of spells and incantations and shelves full of candles. Candles everywhere!

I blew into that sacred place like a moose fart in a monastery – baggy cargo pants, beer-logo t-shirt, Middlebury College baseball cap (on backwards, of course). The poor witch running the joint probably took one look at the disheveled frat boy in her shop and sighed why me? to the Mother Goddess.

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But my douchey outward appearance belied an inquisitive and sensitive mind underneath. If she gave me a chance, I would do likewise.

I poked around the wiccan’s shop for some time, picking up strange relics and turning them over in my hand, flipping through books of arcane spells and inhaling the diverse perfumed candles, oils and incense sticks stashed throughout.

I was in terra incognita, but it felt…comfortable.

Free Vintage Witch Printables | DIY Halloween wall decor by

After some time, my eye fell upon (and kept returning to) a black bust of a cat. Its eyes were made of glass, and there was a hollow in back upon which a candle could sit. When lit, the candle’s flame would be reflected and refracted through the glass eyes.

Obviously, I had to own this witchy relic. Unlike the time I bargained for an Aztec Sun Stone with eight dollars in my pocket, I was now a man who carried plastic alongside his paper.

Free Vintage Witch Printables | DIY Halloween wall decor by

I informed the witch behind the counter of my intentions, and she took the enchanted thing from its dusty shelf and wrapped it in paper. I bought a few candles for good measure. No sense having one without the other.

I paid in plastic. Apparently witches were just as modern as the pizza parlor next door. She didn’t ask for 25 frog warts or payment in blood or anything like that. As I signed my name on the dotted line, I’m sure she wondered just what in the name of Earth Mother I’d be doing with that cat’s bust.

As it turned out, that cat was my most treasured decor item for the rest of college and for a few years after as I moved from Vermont to Colorado to Boston to San Francisco.

I lost him somewhere at some point during some move. I don’t even remember when or where. I had him, and then I didn’t. He was my one little toe in the waters of witchcraft. I never cracked a spell book, uttered an incantation or prayed to a pagan god, but I had my little cat with the eyes that glowed like fire.

We love to see our printables out in the wild! If you display our free printables in your home or use our free SVGs in your projects, and take a picture and post it on Instagram, be sure to tag us @TheNavagePatch!

Free Vintage Witch Printables | DIY Halloween wall decor by

vintage witch printables

We designed these vintage witch printables in two sizes: 11×14 inch, 12×18 inch and 16×20 inch JPGs. As all our JPG files are high resolution, you can scale them up or down as necessary. 16×20 inch scales down to 12×15 / 8×10 / 4×5 inches with no problems. If you need help with scaling down these printables so you can print them on your home printer, then make sure you check out Handan’s “How To Easily Resize Pictures” post.

Note:  If you don’t have a large format printer like the Canon i8720 Printer (prints up to 13×19 inches) and are wondering the best place to get these large printables printed bigger than 8×12, we recommend trying Staples in your area or Amazon print shop. Both stores offer custom-sized prints on matte or glossy paper, and they both cost about the same. Staples also offers Engineering Prints, which are really affordable for large-format prints, but in some areas (like ours), they must be ordered from their online print shop.

Do you want ultra-high res versions for large format printing?

If you’d like the highest resolution files for gorgeous large-format prints, please visit our Etsy shop to download some of our most popular printables in 300DPI format. These files will scale beautifully for fantastic large-scale prints at your local print shop. As always, smaller size normal-res printables will be free here in The VIP Patch, while our larger size hi-res files will be available for download on Etsy for a small price.

Now it’s time to download today’s printables – you’ll find them under the “Halloween” section of The VIP Patch.

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  1. I have a few of these that I found on Pinterest, but you have so many new ones that are “must haves” for my Halloween witch portrait collection. Thanks Greg and Handan!

  2. As soon as I put a new ink cartridge in my printer, I want some of these. May make some small ones, too, for Halloween scenes for my H. dollhouse! My daughter’s favorite holiday to decorate for is Halloween. May have to do a few for her to go with the DT lenticular pix!

  3. These will be great for the Witches Tea I host each year. Approx how large will the free prints be able to be made with a good resolution? Is 8 1/2 x 11 the best size for these?

    1. Hi Annin, they print well up to 16×20 with no problems. Certain print shops may not like them though because they’re not 300DPI.

  4. I love oh and I mean all of y’all’s DIYs! Your witchy Halloween collection is definitely my favorite. I really enjoy how you narrate your TikTok videos! lol The in-laws turning you into a toad and all 😂🤣😂🤣! Your story
    What crate looks like a good book I just could not put down as like your videos sometimes I find myself just binge watching all morning with my iced coffee. Thanks For sharing all your projects great creators please continue making the tik tok’sI look forward to them! I love the witch picture with writing in the background she looks like the Wizard of Oz witch. I hope I can get a 11 x 16 of her